A comprehensive month-by-month free horoscope and forecast related to business, finance, career and love for Aries in 2014.
Aries Horoscope 2014
Year 2014 will make you smile throughout but everything comes with its pros & cons too. The cards ask you to be a little careful with your actions as you may tend to overdo or commit unnecessary things in excitement. This year you would place yourself in a much better position, both socially and financially. Your high confidence and morale will benefit you in your career. Your income would rise, but you would also spend more on luxuries making it extremely difficult for you to plan any savings. You will expect very highly from your beloved, which might be the reason for some problems at times. Understanding the needs of others would be essential to maintain the harmony at home. Property disputes or long pending matters may be decided amicably towards the end of the year.
Romance: It is good to give your hundred percent in the relationship but it would not be wise to expect about two hundred percent in return. Keep your hot head and tongue under control especially where you don�t want the relations and emotions to sink. Your loved ones will be more than accommodating to see you happy throughout. Why not to share the same warmth in return? Come on, give it a try!
Career: Promotion, Hike, salary increments � name a thing and the stars shower that upon you. It is just that don�t overdo things in excitement. Let the opportunity come to you rather than you rushing after them. Take baby steps as the year is set to bring a lot many reasons for you to celebrate.
Lucky Months: February, July, September and October
Lucky No. 3
Lucky Color: Green
Tip of the Year: To enhance your financial growth, place a bowl or jar near your front door and drop a penny in it each time you go in and out. According to Feng Shui positive energy enters through the front door and it stimulates whatever it touches.
Craving for a change of scene may make you plan out a vacation with friends or family. Those trying out a new vehicle will find it most satisfactory. A contentious property matter will be amicably resolved. Someone�s antics on the home front are likely to delight you. A friend or neighbour may seek your help. You will manage to handle your finances well. A professional venture is set to give you your first taste of success. Health remains satisfactory through your efforts.
Lucky No.: 4
Lucky Colour: Violet
There are phases when you yearn for better times. But, what you don�t know is that you possess the power to change your circumstances, you only need to have faith in yourself. Some of you may be disappointed on not being picked up for a prestigious assignment, but worry not as there are better opportunities waiting on the horizon. Your efforts to rev up your love life will meet with success. A journey will prove lots of fun for juniors. You need to be more understanding.
Lucky No.: 2
Lucky Colour: Lemon
Past investments are set to make your bank balance healthy. For saving money some of you can go to the extent of being stingy. A project can get delayed due to non availability of resources. Those feeling on the edge due to worries are likely to get relief soon. Stagnation in love life may spur some into action. Take steps to remain secure during a long journey. Suitable accommodation may be acquired by some on rent. Eating out, especially from wayside joints, may harm your health.
Lucky No.: 15
Lucky Colour: Turquoise
Taking adequate care of your diet promises to keep you fit and healthy. Excelling in a favourite subject is foreseen on the academic front. A time consuming task will be completed by you in record time. You are likely to accord higher priority to romance and reap rich rewards. A pilgrimage cannot be ruled out for the religious minded. Your attempts to remove differences with someone will succeed. Dividends from previous investments will keep you financially in the pink of health.
Lucky No.: 22
Lucky Colour: Electric Grey
Remaining consistent in your performance at work will work out in your favour. Meeting someone you have a soft corner for is likely for some. You may not be able to take full advantage of a money making opportunity, but you will be able to turn it to your advantage. Remaining physically fit is not likely to pose much difficulty, especially for sportspersons. Lover may not be able to find time to meet you. Your insistence on taking a particular course may not be the best decision.
Lucky No.: 5
Lucky Colour: Turquoise
Spouse may irritate you by his or her incorrigible ways. Tension may prevail in a joint family set up. Your excuse for coming late or not completing a task may not cut ice with superiors. There appears scant possibility of money given to someone being returned to you. Some of you are at risk of getting in financial doldrums. Someone in the family is likely to get laid up in bed with fever or some other ailment. A budding romance may make some dreamy-eyed.
Lucky No.: 15
Lucky Colour: Chocolate
Someone's proximity on the domestic front is likely to keep you contented. A family do may keep some happily engaged. Some loose ends may have to be tied up in a particular task before submission. Raising a loan may not be as easy as it had seemed, but you will manage it somehow. Much excitement is foreseen for those bitten by the travel bug. A good offer on the property front will be hard to refuse. Use soft gloves on a rebelling family youngster.
Lucky No.: 6
Lucky Colour: Indigo
A cash bonanza for investors is foreseen. Professionals are likely to earn well. Following the advice of experts will help you in attaining total fitness. Some of you are likely to make enemies on the work front by complaining against them to higher ups. You may be in spouse�s firing line for not doing something he or she had desired. Don�t take things for granted on the romantic front as it may result in an unsavoury situation. Late night driving must be avoided at all costs.
Lucky No.: 5
Lucky Colour: All shades of Green
Some of you are likely to be in for a pleasant surprise. A celebration of some sort may take place in your honour. You may get the opportunity to try out some new ideas on the professional front. Deriving much pleasure on the romantic front is foreseen for some. Financial condition is set to improve by your constant efforts. You can face some problems on a long journey. Some of you may have a reason to get worried on the health front.
Lucky No.: 5
Lucky Colour: All shades of Green
Something you had been worried about at work is likely to turn out well and provide you great relief. Following your intuition will keep you away from all kinds of controversies. Meeting a childhood friend may revive a long lost romance. A vacation is on the cards for some to someplace exotic. Some of you are likely to raise a loan to buy your dream home. A definite improvement in your financial situation is foreseen. Make positive changes in your lifestyle for health's sake.
Lucky No.: 4
Lucky Colour: Light Blue
You may have a reason to rejoice on the romantic front. Accompanying someone you get along well with on a journey will prove immensely entertaining. A family member is likely to give you good professional advice. Your helpful nature is set to boost your image on the social front. An unexpected expenditure threatens to upset your budget, but you will be able to absorb it. Don�t get too overconfident on the health front. You are likely to participate in a celebration.
Lucky No.: 18
Lucky Colour: Magenta
An outing with friends will prove most rejuvenating. Those looking for suitable accommodation are likely to find one. A change of strategy is certainly going to help those looking for romance. Some of you are likely to come on the wrong side of boss; exercise caution. Getting blamed for something on the home front may get you all upset. Losing money in a bad investment or by impulsiveness in playing the stocks cannot be ruled out. Health worries may hound some. Keep a tab of someone you suspect.
Lucky No.: 17
Lucky Colour: Turquoise