A comprehensive month-by-month free horoscope and forecast related to business, finance, career and love for Cancer in 2013.
Cancer Horoscope 2013
Lady luck would be very favorably inclined towards you this year, predicts horoscope 2013 for Cancerians. You will be in the pink of health and stay in high spirits throughout the year. Try to live in moderation and continue to have a balanced diet and go for regular exercises. Pregnant mothers may have to take special care of them in the latter half of the year. Atmosphere on the domestic front will be very congenial. Children and your siblings will be a source of delight for you. Your trips to outstation places will be most fruitful. You will develop a lot of contacts that would help you rise higher in your profession.
Career: Financial matters will turn out to be very rosy for you. Investments made in the past will bring in handsome returns for you. You will enjoy a very congenial atmosphere at the work place. Cancer�s forecast for 2013 foretells flow of support and help from colleagues. You will probably get excellent opportunities at your workplace. Inducting some highly talented persons into your team would work to your advantage. Take proper guidance from your colleagues as it can prove to be might useful. Professionally, this will be a very enriching period for those engaged in academic and accounting fields.
Good Luck Tip: Place a vase of fresh flowers on the East side of your desk. Flowers create yang energy. But do not allow flowers to overwhelm you or block your view. And always change the flowers as soon as they start to show signs of wilting.
Romance: Your soul-mate will provide you a lot of emotional comfort. You will enjoy many romantic moments with your beloved. Break the monotony and so things to spice up life at a different level this year. Those singles should be very careful in choosing matrimonial alliances especially between February and May. Those recently married may plan an excursion trip to an exotic locale. The couples who have been expecting to conceive would especially find the period between February and April quite fruitful.
Relationship Tip: Replace Images of Lone Figures with Pictures of Happy Couples - Artwork has a tremendous impact on the subconscious. When you surround yourself with photos, paintings, sculptures, and knickknacks of solitary figures, you'll carry yourself accordingly. Replacing such images with representations of happy couples will make you more receptive to love.
Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Color: White
Lucky Months: February, April & August.
Someone is likely to show you down despite your best efforts. Too much traveling may get on your nerves, so take a break. Those joining duty away from their home town may start feeling homesick. A chance encounter with someone from the opposite camp is likely to brighten your month. Wedding bells can toll for the eligible. Meeting the deadline for a time consuming job can make you burn the midnight oil. Health remains satisfactory.
Lucky No.: 8
Lucky Colour: Parrot Green
This is a great month that is likely to catapult you to heights that you have not known before! A task allotted to you will be completed in a jiffy. You will manage to improve your financial condition by putting in extra efforts. Romantically, you are likely to find yourself on cloud nine, as you enjoy the company of your partner. You spare no efforts to achieve total fitness and may even bring changes in your lifestyle.
Lucky No.: 2
Lucky Colour: Lemon
You will love all the attention being showered on you. Deliberate before acting out someone's advice at work. Exercise caution and don't give lift to almost anyone in your vehicle. You may resent somebody checking your spending, but this will help you in the long run. You may want to spend time with family members, but they may not find time for it. According to Cancer horoscope 2013, you are likely to get some good news from someone you are constantly in touch with.
Lucky No.: 4
Lucky Colour: Lavender
Hobbies and enjoyable pastimes will make the month interesting. Exciting plans with friends is likely to keep you happily occupied this month. Inviting someone over to your house is possible. Love life is set to become hectic, as meetings increase! At work, you can be happily engaged in completing a task that you love. You will be able to successfully curb mounting domestic expenses by cutting corners. You will take up an exercise regimen that suits your lifestyle.
Lucky No.: 17
Lucky Colour: Bottle Green
Immense fulfillment is guaranteed on the romantic front, as you strive to make time for each other. You succeed in persuading someone to do your bidding on the academic front. Mental peace prevails as family gives you space and freedom to do your own thing. Worries about money may disappear, as you start earning well. An exciting trip with friends is possible. Indulging in light exercises on the fitness front is in order to remain up and about.
Lucky No.: 1
Lucky Colour: Magenta
Taking someone's responsibility on your shoulders will give you an immense sense of satisfaction. Some of you may spend the month looking up for suitable property. Those in retail business may find business looking up. Cancer horoscope 2013 advises you to take only that much work which you can complete comfortably at work; there is no point in volunteering for everything. Spouse may need her space, respect that. Become the initiator on the love front, if you want things to move forward!
Lucky No.: 7
Lucky Colour: Cyan
Something that you have just completed is likely to prove worth the effort. Taking time out from work to do your own thing is possible. Your efforts to boost your finances will succeed. You can be at the helm of affairs in a family function. Spending time with lover will prove most fulfilling. A long journey with someone close is on the cards and will prove most interesting. Take a balanced approach to resolve a family issue.
Lucky No.: 22
Lucky Colour: Violet
Take adequate rest, if undertaking strenuous physical activities, so as not to overstrain. At work, your power of anticipation is likely to come to good use in warding off something unfavourable. Honesty and sincerity in whatever you do promise to take you places on the academic front. A family friend may repose full faith in you in getting something done. You may find other avenues of earning money. Visiting some out of town relative or friend is possible.
Lucky No.: 4
Lucky Colour: Saffron
A new project will prove most interesting and get you totally involved. You are likely to get into the groove of things on the professional front. Students will need sheer guts and determination to cope up with new subjects. You will manage to turn the domestic environment in your favour by being nice to everyone. Friends circle is set to increase for some. Romance is likely to figure in your list of priorities. Health remains good.
Lucky No.: 3
Lucky Colour: Cream
You may need to get things in order, if you want to participate in something important. Someone is likely to encourage you on the professional front to put your best foot forward. Your argumentative nature needs to be put on rein on the academic front. Work pressure may compel you to curtail your social life. Exceeding the budget threatens to make you tight, so remain judicious in your spending. A personal problem may give some sleepless nights.
Lucky No.: 18
Lucky Colour: Rose
A great time is expected for those out sightseeing or vacationing. Stiff competition on the academic front may discourage you. At work, you are in danger of becoming a victim of office politics. You may have little choice but accompany someone on a journey. Getting approval for extension or addition to an ancestral house may prove a big hurdle. You will need to learn the ropes quickly on the professional front to prove your worth.
Lucky No.: 8
Lucky Colour: Electric Grey
A little misunderstanding needs to be cleared, so don't delay. You may be praised on the academic front. Pleasing higher ups will serve no purpose, unless you become result-oriented. On the family front, you will successfully manage to take a stand on an issue. Someone you like may call on you and make your month on the romantic front. You are likely to reap handsomely on the financial front. Health remains excellent, as you become more health conscious.
Lucky No.: 8
Lucky Colour: Electric Grey