A comprehensive month-by-month free horoscope and forecast related to business, finance, career and love for Cancer in 2014.
Cancer Horoscope 2014
Your compassionate nature attracts you to people who are in need. Your pure love, sympathetic attitude makes people comfortable in your company. Your desire to reach the top position in your career will see the light of day, in the coming year. Monetary gains will allow you to enjoy the pleasures of life. Your self-confidence and decision making ability will bring laurels for you. You will be involved in sports and outdoor activities, which will not only give pleasure, but also allow you to maintain good health. If you are single, you will be successful in choosing a life partner who is intelligent and with a dynamic personality.
Romance: Newly-weds will have the best of their time this year. Some of you may also plan their families. Those singles are particularly going to find the year more exciting. Family will be supportive and push you to fulfil your dreams.
Career: Forget about those long hours at work and only focus on the quality of your performance. The year brings with itself opportunities to take you up the ladder and makes sure that your cash register keeps ringing.
Tip of the Year: If you are married or you are trying to attract new love into your life, then use rectangular, wooden frames for pictures, as in Feng Shui wood promotes growth in a relationship.
Lucky Months: January, June, October and December.
Lucky No. 4
Lucky Color: Cream
You can expect a good time, especially at home. An initiative on the professional front is likely to make your career soar. There is every likelihood of getting an opportunity to meet people you have not met in a long time. Those disposing their assets may get returns below their expectations. Chances of love blossoming cannot be ruled out, as an opposite number gives you the eye.
Lucky No.: 11
Lucky Colour: Lemon
Business persons will find newer ways of enhancing profits. Confusion at work is satisfactorily resolved. Good mood of spouse is likely to brighten the domestic front. Those in love are likely to have fun with an opposite number. Mental tension will become a thing of the past as you employ some good stress-busting techniques. This is a good month for travelling long distance. A change of diet will make you feel more energetic.
Lucky No.: 3
Lucky Colour: Coffee
Some of you can leave an exercise regime midway and get out of shape. Those sitting for an important exam can get panicky. Care and support of spouse or lover will provide a sense of immense fulfillment. Some of you will need to be careful about your reputation on the professional front. Only if you are financially sound should you take up a new venture. Travel only if you have to.
Lucky No.: 11
Lucky Colour: Cream
You will succeed in getting love and affection back into your life through your own efforts. A trip with family is likely to prove most enjoyable. Mutual respect and understanding will take your love to a new level. Landing a good and well paying job is likely for some. Health of someone close can show rapid improvement. You will be able to consolidate your financial strength and even buy some assets.
Lucky No.: 2
Lucky Colour: Deep Sky Blue
A good financial move can prove healthy for your bank balance. Extra expenditure will be nicely countered by increased earning. A family member is likely to do his or her bit to help you out. Those involved in outdoor activities are likely to get thoroughly refreshed. You will succeed in improving the ugly mood of spouse. Those planning an outing with lover are slated to have a good time.
Lucky No.: 4
Lucky Colour: Dark Grey
Unforeseen hurdles will not let you achieve much on the professional front. Some wise investments may be required to make you financially secure. Family may find it difficult to support your ideas, even though they seem realistic enough. Your splendid suggestion is likely to be lapped up by lover. An elderly may take some more time for total recovery. Those travelling can expect to have a comfortable journey.
Lucky No.: 18
Lucky Colour: Pink
Beating about the bush will just not do on the professional front. Difficulty in repaying a loan is likely, but will be solved as money comes from an unexpected source. A family function or celebration is on the cards and will provide an opportunity to renew old relationships. Only positive thinking will deliver some from depression. Those in love can expect a rocking time together. South is the favourable direction to plan a vacation.
Lucky No.: 17
Lucky Colour: Light Grey
Things on the work front remain under control as you get most of the things out of the way. This is an ideal time to start something new on the professional front. Some of you can become the target of a neighbourhood gossipmonger. Your desire for better health can make you think on practical lines. Romance may not rock despite your valiant attempts! Avoid long distance travel in the last week of the month.
Lucky No.: 18
Lucky Colour: Golden Brown
You may find it difficult to distinguish yourself on the professional front under the prevailing conditions. Your advice may not be taken even in matters that are within your field of expertise. Those playing the stocks may not be able to recover much of what they had previously lost. Organising a function or some event can drain you and keep you on the edge. Newlyweds will need to sort out their differences.
Lucky No.: 3
Lucky Colour: Red
Resolving a family dispute can take up much of your time. A gift will be the surest way to get lover in an upbeat mood. Your man management skills will help in sorting out a complicated issue involving employees. An old problem you are suffering from may aggravate through your own negligence. You will get the chance to share your romantic feelings with the special one in your life.
Lucky No.: 7
Lucky Colour: Cream
You will need to be judicious in your spending to balance the budget. There is no choice but to master the ropes, if you want to get ahead of your professional rivals. Students may have to motivate themselves to find their old focus. You may need to design your fitness plan according to your active lifestyle. This is an excellent time for doing anything related to property. A person you are angry with can offer an olive branch.
Lucky No.: 15
Lucky Colour: Turquoise
Honours and awards can come your way in appreciation of your performance at work. You will need to curb your tendency of wasting money on others. Good planning will help some enjoy an outing with the family. Your romantic aspirations will soon be realised in a party or a get-together. Taking up more than you can handle can get you fatigued and irritated. Keep a check on diet and shun junk food.
Lucky No.: 4
Lucky Colour: Violet