A comprehensive month-by-month free horoscope and forecast related to business, finance, career and love for Capricorn in 2013.
Capricorn Horoscope 2013
Leave all the pressures aside Capricorn! They haven't fetched you much of a deal in the previous year. So, why not to take it easy and move with the flow? Avoid over-straining yourself mentally and physically. Think positive and you will be able to keep all the stress and tensions at bay. Your near and dear ones may show special interest towards you - it's tough to say what could be the intention at the back of their mind - but why do you have to worry? Enjoy the attention! Just express your appreciation for that and keep your demands to a reasonable level. You may consider deferring your property transaction plans to the second half of the month since the returns in the first half may be only marginal.
Career: During first half of the year, as per horoscope 2013 for Capricorns, you need to handle your finances more prudently. A little bit of thrift will save you possible hiccups later on. Professionally you will do extremely well. Your hard work and dedication will bring you a lot of accolades. Your superiors will cite you as a role model for others. You will probably get excellent opportunities at your workplace. Do not feel shy to take professional advice from your more experienced colleagues as that can prove to be very useful. Professionals engaged in the field of teaching and accounting fields, in particular, may find many of their dreams fructifying.
Good Luck Tip: Keep an aquarium in the North sector of your living room to activate for career luck. The best fish to keep are the arowana or goldfish (nine; eight red and one black). Displaying figurines of fish work just as well as the real thing without the cost and hassle of maintaining an aquarium.
Romance: Your soul mate will keep you in very high spirits. Both of you will enjoy some delightful moments together. To sustain the relationship, you need to proceed with care and tenderness and not rush matters. Newly married may think of setting their priorities and proceed with a new life plan. Some of you are also likely to hear of new additions in the family in the second quarter of the year which is just going to elevate the celebration mood!
Relationship Tip: Keep the Family at Bay - Your bedroom represents your romantic life. Therefore, the last images you want to see here are photos of dear old Mom and Dad. Children's artwork and toys will also undermine your sex life. Celebrate these relationships in other areas of your household, but keep your boudoir a private retreat.
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Color: Saffron
Lucky Months: May & July
You will find solace in the company of like-minded people. House owners will manage to find suitable tenants for renting out the premises. Traveling and meeting an old relative or friend is foreseen for Capricorns, according to horoscope for 2013, and will help refresh your fond memories. Love life will remain satisfactory. Your good intentions in helping out someone in need on the social front will be appreciated. Don't push things on the professional front if you can help it. Health remains satisfactory.
Lucky No.: 18
Lucky Colour: Maroon
You may need to review a decision, as it may not be the best one. It is best to delegate the workload, as it can bog you down. Academic front may not be smooth sailing, as things may go over the head. You remain popular in your social circle by meeting people often. It will be important to hold your own by resisting peer pressure. Someone's advice will come in handy in retrieving a situation.
Lucky No.: 8
Lucky Colour: Parrot Green
You will feel on the top of the world this month, as someone close comes bearing good news. Problems faced on the professional front get resolved. Financial stability is assured, so lay to rest any apprehensions you have regarding money. Some of you may organize a party or get invited to one. Someone you like may tug at your heart strings and ring in romance! An interesting company on a long journey will make the distance appear short.
Lucky No.: 2
Lucky Colour: Orange
If you need support, you may have to make efforts in securing it. Those in the marketing field are likely to land a lucrative deal. Be regular in studies to keep up with others on the academic front. Financial front is set to grow stronger, as predicted by Capricorn horoscope for 2013. With your popularity on the rise, some important people may come into your contact. This month, you will be efficiency personified at work. Visitors may throng your home and keep you happily occupied.
Lucky No.: 1
Lucky Colour: White
You are likely to be full of pride and savour your success in accomplishing something important. Something started this month is certain to succeed, as you are going through an auspicious phase. An exam or competition laying heavy on your mind is likely to be cleared with flying colours. Someone may do for you more than what was expected on the social front, so don't forget to reciprocate. Acquiring a property at bargain price is foreseen for some.
Lucky No.: 15
Lucky Colour: Crimson
There is much scope for growing in your current business, so start thinking on those lines, suggests Capricorn horoscope 2013. Your preparation for an exam or a competition will be adequate on the academic front. Someone may do for you more than what was expected on the social front. You may shift into a house that meets your pocket. Romance is likely to enter your life unannounced, so keep your fingers crossed! An out of town trip may be planned.
Lucky No.: 18
Lucky Colour: Chocolate
Don't give false hopes to anyone, as it may show you in bad light. Whatever plans you have for this month at work will go smoothly, without any interruptions. Mixed luck is foreseen for those trying out a new venture on the business front. You will manage to implement something you had been planning for long. A night out with friends can sow the seeds of romance for some. A change of routine will prove good for health.
Lucky No.: 3
Lucky Colour: Dark Yellow
You may need to keep your side of the bargain, if you want things to happen. Test the waters before you join a competitive field, as instant returns may not be possible. A lucrative assignment may not come to you without efforts and a bit of networking. You are likely to get good remuneration for your creative talents. A religious ceremony undertaken may prove mentally calming. Homemakers will manage to get someone to do their tasks at home.
Lucky No.: 8
Lucky Colour: Forest Green
Your focus now will be to build relationships and mend broken fences. Dogged determination is what is required at this juncture to achieve what you have set out for. Professional prospects are likely to brighten. Financial worries become a thing of the past, as money comes from unexpected sources. Spiritual minded are likely to feel at peace. A family youngster may require motivation and direction, so remain supportive. You may find it difficult to continue an exercise regimen.
Lucky No.: 6
Lucky Colour: Coffee
You need to get totally involved in a matter, if you want to avoid mistakes. Don't get over familiar with people you don't know too well, as they can exploit you. You may have to tighten your belt to on the academic front. Taking up walking or jogging is indicated and will do your health a lot of good. New surroundings will be to the liking of those who have been transferred out of town.
Lucky No.: 7
Lucky Colour: Orange
Hectic schedule will find you on a whirlwind visits, both in official and personal capacities. You are likely to shoulder an important responsibility at work. Improved performance will help restore your self-esteem on the academic front. You may earn praise for extending a helping hand to someone in need. Things take a turn for the better on the romantic front. Travelling will not only be fun, but advantageous too. Financial independence may come to some sooner than expected.
Lucky No.: 18
Lucky Colour: Coffee
This is the best time to diversify or go in for a job change. Your well wishers are likely to support you in your endeavours and help you in restoring your self-confidence. Someone in the family may suggest a better alternative to an option you have chosen. Wedding bells for the eligible cannot be ruled out. Professionally, it can be a relaxing month, as you manage to wind up all pending work. Getting a loan may pose difficulties.
Lucky No.: 22
Lucky Colour: Lavender