A comprehensive month-by-month free horoscope and forecast related to business, finance, career and love for Gemini in 2014.
Gemini Horoscope 2014
Your keen foresight and discernment makes people look up to you. You take a lot of interest and initiative in whatever you undertake and generally make a good job of it. The year starts at a slow pace, but you can expect things to hot up by the middle of the year. Professionals and businesspersons will win some good deals, but delays in execution cannot be ruled out. Money will not cause concern, but overheads may prove heavy. Spouse and family elders are likely to travel out of town or overseas. Love life may seem in a rut for some and would require rejuvenation. The philanthropist in you will give helping hand to the poor and needy. Some of you will be attracted towards religion too. A new fitness mantra will be tried out with mixed results. An excellent marriage proposal can be expected by some.
Romance: There is a possibility that you could feel too involved or stressed with work commitments that you are left with just little time for family and friends. The year asks you to learn to balance your personal life too else you may annoy your loved ones and upset them too. Infuse some excitement in your love life yourself. Be experimental and try new ways to bring smile on the face of those who matter the most to you.
Career: This year asks you to tighten your belt and pitch up a speed else you may be left behind. It is good to think but why spend hours or days only thinking about it? Get active and take actions! Only actions will bring results.
Lucky Months: October and November.
Lucky No. 2
Lucky Color: Yellow
Tip of the Year: It is a worldwide truth that scents encourages love feelings and desires, so using sensual or exotic incense in your bedroom is a good option to sparkle your love life.
You may have to cope up with some pending jobs on the professional front, but will face no problems. A prestigious assignment is likely for some. Your foresight will help conserve money. A major item can be purchased, which will add to your status. Harmony prevails on the domestic front. An old friend may drop in and make the third week of the month more interesting. You will need to be a bit restrained while handling a family youngster. Love is in the air, so expect a good time on the romantic front!
Lucky No.: 9
Lucky Colour: Lemon
Some of you may find yourself at emotional crossroads on the romantic front and will need to tread carefully. An overseas journey is indicated for some. Repayment of a loan taken for property is not likely to pose any problems. Researchers and scientists may come under pressure to complete a project. There is no point in taking a financial risk, as you are likely to burn your fingers. Not being regular in your exercise routine is likely to effect health adversely. Learn to forgive and forget.
Lucky No.: 3
Lucky Colour: Magenta
Some positive steps taken on the financial front are likely to pay rich dividends. You will have enough money to translate your ideas into action. Health is likely to improve through your initiative. You will be able to keep a lifestyle disease under check. Many questions may remain unanswered on the professional front, but forcing things will not be in your interest. You can find yourself redrawing the equations on the social front. Love may not be your top priority, so be upfront about it.
Lucky No.: 3
Lucky Colour: Red
The problem is you take people for granted, especially those around you, which more often than not causes resentment. Avoid this if you don�t want to spoil your entire month. Those seeking love will have to give love in return or face a loveless life. You may call on someone close in the second week of the month, but it may not feel like the good old days. A property issue can become bitter if you are not careful. Your competence and efficiency at work is likely to make your career graph soar. Wasteful expenditure needs checking.
Lucky No.: 1
Lucky Colour: Lemon
If there is someone you don�t get along well with in your social circle, it is best to avoid him or her. Someone you secretly like may give you a cold shoulder. You may not be able to complete what you had set out for on a long journey. Shifting to a new place may not seem as easy as you had expected. Someone is likely to help you out on the professional or academic front. You will be comfortable as far as finances are concerned.
Lucky No.: 8
Lucky Colour: Violet
This is a fine period for socialising. Someone from your native place is likely to land up and brighten the days coming along. Those learning how to drive will be able to master this skill soon. Some progress will be made in on the property front by those wanting to acquire a house. You will need to steady yourself on the professional front. Don�t be too liberal with money, as you can experience a cash crunch. Chances are that someone may express his or her love for you.
Lucky No.: 5
Lucky Colour: Turquoise
Those going on a long journey will find the going smooth. A pilgrimage may beckon some. Shifting residence, even if temporarily, can be on the minds of some. Keep yourself insulated from workplace stress, so that professional matters don�t affect your health. Remain guarded, as someone is likely to provoke you at work. You may not be fully satisfied by an investment that you are about to go in for. Suspicions on the romantic front are best laid to rest, lest they poison the mind.
Lucky No.: 22
Lucky Colour: Dark Slate Grey
There is a very good chance of gaining from someone else�s efforts. Professional front looks strong as you take long strides in your area of expertise. Money flows in unabated as additional income from a different source gets generated. A strong relationship can become stronger through your benevolence. Partner may be in an appeasing mood on the romantic front, so just play along! Keeping a positive frame of mind will help keep you fit and energetic. Take a lenient view of somebody�s mistake as it will be a genuine one.
Lucky No.: 5
Lucky Colour: Parrot Green
Disappointments on the professional front cannot be ruled out for some. You can be badly let down at work by your lack of an eye for detail. A nagging spouse is likely to have an adverse impact on domestic harmony. It is a fine period for lovebirds to chirp together in someplace secluded! Wedding bells can toll for the eligible. Going out of your way to help someone will bring you much appreciation. You will succeed in steadying your financial front. A balanced diet will ensure good health.
Lucky No.: 18
Lucky Colour: Chocolate
The social scene will be to your liking. You are likely to enjoy a party or a get-together to your heart�s content. Going steady with someone you have met recently cannot be ruled out. Support and encouragement can be expected from the family at every step. Your visit to an out of town place will not go in vain. All property matters will be resolved favorably. There is really no point in being too strict on the professional front. Your financial condition may require a bit of pepping up.
Lucky No.: 1
Lucky Colour: Lemon
Your performance on the professional or academic front may prove to be a mixed bag. Working on your weaknesses without ignoring your strengths will be a step in the right direction. Don�t be taken in by those trying to enjoy at your expense on the financial front. Although you feel fit, some efforts will be required to remain in shape. Family life will be immensely fulfilling. Meeting someone you have a liking for is possible. Help from an unexpected quarter is foreseen. Accompanying someone to a friend�s place is possible.
Lucky No.: 7
Lucky Colour: Maroon
This is the time when you will need to keep aside some time to sort out previous pending issues. You may not be satisfied with your performance on the academic front. Analysing your shortcomings will benefit. Busy schedule and paucity of time may make you skip a family function. Some of you may have to stoke the embers of passion to make romance rock. Your sheer resolve to keep perfectly fit will find you taking up an exercise regimen. Don�t do anything to that creates a suspicion in someone�s mind.
Lucky No.: 18
Lucky Colour: Pink