A comprehensive month-by-month free horoscope and forecast related to business, finance, career and love for Sagittarius in 2013.
Sagittarius Horoscope 2013
A proper fitness regime will help you to stay physically fit and mentally alert since during 2013, you may have to deal with health-related issues, as per the horoscope for Sagittarians. Think positive and you will be able to overcome all the stress and tensions. To stay physically and mentally fit, you need to go in for regular exercises and follow a balanced dietary regime. Your near ones will be most supportive. Your children will continue to be a source of pride for you. Your overseas trips will yield excellent returns to you. You are likely to become the 'apple of the eye' for someone you have always been trying to impress at the workplace. Avoid being too pally with the strangers while you travel - someone might not have good intention for this extra friendly gesture being shown towards you. This is an excellent period for entering into property transactions.
Career: Your financial health this year will be secure, provided you avoid wasteful expenditure. You will do well professionally. Make sure that your good performance is noticed by those that matter. The horoscope for 2013 indicates that Sagittarians will be able to prove their mettle with new work assignments. It would be in your interest not to rely too much on undependable persons. You need to be strong and confident at your workplace so that you can successfully overcome all hurdles that come your way.
Good Luck Tip: For those involved in jobs where there is the opportunity to earn commission or side income, display a three-legged toad for wealth luck next to your desk or diagonally opposite the front door to your home.
Romance: Your soul mate will be a great pillar of support for you. Still, both of you need to remember that a successful relationship is possible only when there is a proper trust and understanding between the partners. While you need to express your genuine love to your beloved, you should also guard against being emotionally blackmailed by him/her.
Relationship Tip: Create Cozy Seating Arrangements - Single chairs send a loud and clear message to prospective suitors and spouses: Back off! If you're looking for love, create cozy seating arrangements from love seats, sofas, and chairs. Putting chairs at comfortable angles to each other will signal that you're ready for a relationship.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Color: Light Red
Lucky Months: November & December
It is not the right time to pursue a social matter, despite your keenness to do so. Winning over people who matter on the professional front will prove much beneficial for your career prospects, so remain at it! An invitation to a marriage or party is in the pipeline, so get set for some exciting time. Peace and quiet at home will give you a chance to enjoy all by yourself. You will need to rethink your investment options.
Lucky No.: 1
Lucky Colour: Light Red
Those seeking a mate are likely to strike an instant rapport with an opposite number. A pressing task at work is likely to be handled most competently by you. A business trip holds much promise, so expect to sign a deal or two. Your monetary strength is set to rise. At this point of 2013, Sagittarians will be able to buy an appliance or gadget for the house. You are likely to reach sooner than expected at your destination. Real estate gives good returns.
Lucky No.: 15
Lucky Colour: Chocolate
You will find happiness in the happiness of someone close. People may visit you from out of town and add to the fun. On the romantic front, you can develop feelings for someone of the opposite gender you had known for long. Financially the month is likely to turn promising, as many opportunities come your way. Fitness conscious people are likely to introduce something new in their fitness routine and benefit. You excel on the academic front.
Lucky No.: 15
Lucky Colour: Coffee
Don't rake up issues that disturb the mind, even if someone compels you to do so. A job well done is likely to get you a pat on the back on the professional front. You will manage to achieve what you set out for on the academic front. Attending a party or a function is indicated and will prove most enjoyable. Spending quality time with lover is indicated on the romantic front. Chance for a vacation may materialise soon.
Lucky No.: 5
Lucky Colour: All shades of Green
Your career prospects are set to brighten. A systemic approach to workplace problems will make things easy for you at work. You will manage to maintain the pace on the academic front and catch up with the front runners. Much joy is foreseen on the social front, as you get to meets old acquaintances. Love life promises much excitement. Those ailing will manage to improve their condition and remain healthy. Good earning is set to make you financially stable.
Lucky No.: 4
Lucky Colour: Electric Grey
Plan things out carefully, if you want to enjoy an outing to the hilt. Initial apprehensions about something or someone may prove to be correct, so take care. You are likely to meet someone interesting and enjoy the month. Love is in the air, so woo your lover in style! Work front may seem a bit tedious, but you will manage to make it interesting. Financially, you will be on a sound wicket. You will find health tips beneficial.
Lucky No.: 4
Lucky Colour: Sky Blue
An invitation to a party or function is likely and will prove most enjoyable. Some of you are destined to achieve something great on the professional front, so make a beginning this month. Health remains good, as you manage to regulate your diet well. Engaging yourself in something you enjoy is likely to give you much pleasure this month. Partner may shower love to keep you happy, so do reciprocate. Financial front remain strong. Taking up an exercise routine is foretold.
Lucky No.: 6
Lucky Colour: Red
Keep close tabs on an issue and spend money, if you have to. Efforts put in at work are likely to show positive results. You are likely to hold your own in a competitive situation on the academic front. Unchecked expenses may get you worried, but you will manage to stabilize your financial front. An exercise regimen started with much fanfare may not be followed due to sheer laziness! Love life remains satisfactory. Sagittarius horoscope 2013 forecasts harmony at home, at this stage.
Lucky No.: 6
Lucky Colour: Coffee
Picking up the threads from where you had left will not be as difficult as you had thought. Previous efforts on the professional front may come to fruition now. A competitive situation on the academic front will need substantial efforts to overcome. Soaring expenses may alarm you, but you will be able to stabilise the situation. Time to become more social is now. A piece of fitness equipment may get into disuse, as you find it too strenuous!
Lucky No.: 2
Lucky Colour: Pink
Your well wisher is likely to guide you in a challenging situation, so don't worry. Good vibes about something that you have ventured into on the business front will be proved right. Taking some time off from your daily routine for workouts will help keep you refresh and rejuvenated. This is the time when you can motivate someone to team up with you for giving shape to your idea. You will speed up the slow pace of work.
Lucky No.: 22
Lucky Colour: Violet
Seeing new places and experiencing new fares are very much possible. You can be asked to speed up some pending projects at work. Security arrangements may become of paramount importance for those involved in something sensitive on the professional front. Give your attention to a family youngster, as he or she requires help. Meeting relations or old friends is on the cards for some. Those feeling cash-strapped can expect a bonus. Your romantic endeavours may not bring immediate results.
Lucky No.: 17
Lucky Colour: Parrot Green
You may need to get the right kind of resources to make something work. Good career planning will allow you to move up the corporate ladder unhindered. Diverting money into a fresh venture is possible and will prove advantageous in the long run. Health of those unwell will show a marked improvement. Steps may be taken to make love life more exciting. You will be able to muster the finances needed by a family youngster for higher studies.
Lucky No.: 4
Lucky Colour: Turquoise