A comprehensive month-by-month free horoscope and forecast related to business, finance, career and love for Virgo in 2014.
Virgo Horoscope 2014
Your quick grasping power and an aptitude for business, brings success to you at your professional front. The ability to play games well, gives you an edge over others, since you can use both your hands and your brain equally proficiently. Although always ready to help out in friend's circle, you ensure that you are not 'taken for a ride'. Those of you, who wish to pursue your career in Medicine or Accounts related fields, will achieve success, in the coming year. Financially, it will be a lucky year for you. There will be peace and harmony in your marital life. You will be able to see 'eye to eye' with your partner, in most matters, and thus able to take decisions, easily.
Romance: Forget about the titsy bitsy turbulent times you had last year; this year will give you ample reasons to smile. There is a possibility that your lover or spouse can be extra demanding but don't worry as you will be able to manage through it. Partner will be supportive to buy a big asset this year and will contribute to the best of his/her calibre.
Career: The sailing may not be easy but you have enough calibre to manage the tough tides. Try keeping a low profile with the subordinates and focus only on sharing quality ideas with those who matter at work.
Lucky Months: January, July and November.
Lucky No. 5
Lucky Color: Purple
Tip of the Year: Hanging two bells together with a red ribbon on your bedroom doorknob will enhance your love life, as each time you open your bedroom door, its lovely music will bring more love into your life.
Wealth comes to you in the form of a gift or legacy. An excellent month is foreseen. Your superb performance at work or in an educational institute will help build your reputation. You will be able to take quick and correct decisions at work. A colleague assists you at work, when you need help most. Gut feeling and guesswork is likely to do wonders in money matters for some.
Lucky No.: 9
Lucky Colour: Maroon
A healthy bank balance will allow you to buy a major item. Those aspiring for a particular profession will need to remain focussed. Young couples are likely to undertake an exciting journey soon. Some central government employees can feel frustrated. An opportunity to impress lover is just round the corner. An outdoor sport or activity can cause problems, so remain careful if indulging in it.
Lucky No.: 6
Lucky Colour: Crimson
Wasteful expenditure on the domestic front can leave bad taste in the mouth. Those engaged to get married are set to enjoy an extended courtship. Take care of what you say or do, as spouse seems overly sensitive. Your impulse buying is likely to waste a substantial amount. A professional advice will help in choosing the right course in business. Those thinking of a job switch will find some good options.
Lucky No.: 2
Lucky Colour: Peach
Those involved in buying and selling can get trapped in a bad bargain. There are chances of some reverses for those who have gone in for risky investments. The mental state that you are presently in can lead to depression, if you don't do anything about it. Lover's rejection can prove hurtful and make you do something impulsive. Chalk out a fitness programme, if you want to come back in shape.
Lucky No.: 7
Lucky Colour: Silver Grey
A proposal for a joint venture looks promising and can prove a turning point in your business. Those married may need to rejuvenate their love life. A new love brings oodles of happiness in the lives of the lonely hearts. Arrears awaited eagerly will take some more time to materialise for the uniformed. Students will be able to concentrate better, if they improve the study environment.
Lucky No.: 2
Lucky Colour: Cream
You will be able to complete a task that was to be completed next week. Good budgeting will find you overcome a cash crunch without any worries. Those trying to raise loans from various sources will succeed. You are likely to enjoy a show or an outing with family. Driving to enjoy the weather is very much on the cards for some youngsters. A new exercise regime will prove tiring and boring.
Lucky No.: 9
Lucky Colour: Rosy Brown
Family may appear a bit demanding, but you may be reading too much into it. A helpful junior will take the burden off your shoulders. All workplace problems get solved by themselves. Your power to convince can swing a deal in your favour. Good earning will tempt you to spend, but buy only what is needed. Keep your cool even in trying circumstances and don�t let anger simmer under any pretext.
Lucky No.: 15
Lucky Colour: Crimson
Praise or honour may be bestowed on those excelling in their fields. A good month both on personal and professional front. A new business can become a turning point in your search for prosperity. Those operating from the residence are likely to shift to some prime location. A small family get-together will prove most enjoyable. Those romantically inclined can expect the month to rock! Remain health conscious.
Lucky No.: 9
Lucky Colour: Magenta
Steady income from savings may come in handy for child�s tuitions. Being helpful around the house will be appreciated. A piece of good news is likely to cheer the domestic front. Those wanting to dispose of property are likely to get the asked-for price. A trying time is foreseen for those connected with the media. Those wanting to shed weight can try a change in diet.
Lucky No.: 15
Lucky Colour: Crimson
Those on a vacation can spend the month in a most exotically exciting place. On the professional front nothing seems to go right, so keep all important decisions pending. You may not be your chirpy self as you seem downcast. A competitor is likely to appear on the horizon on the romantic front. Spouse may take offense to your suggestions for improvement at home. Health remains satisfactory.
Lucky No.: 3
Lucky Colour: Saffron
Losing money in betting is possible, so stay away if you want to save money! Mood swings of spouse can disturb the peaceful environment of home. A complaint of a family member from someone can make you see red. Promotion can make you think in terms of a new vehicle. Work front remains cool and you will be able to complete your tasks undisturbed. Adhering to fitness plan will be beneficial.
Lucky No.: 17
Lucky Colour: Navy Blue
A check on your expenditure can prove annoying. Lack of confidence can dishearten those appearing for an important exam. Parents or a family elder may try to curb your liberty, so be at your tactful best! A superior's bad mood may catch you unawares. Some tensions can prevent you from getting sound sleep. The one you love may become incommunicado for no rhyme or reason.
Lucky No.: 2
Lucky Colour: Pink