Here is some useful information regarding common car battery problems and some vital car battery maintenance & troubleshooting tips.

Car Battery

Car Battery
The battery acts as the nerve centre of a car's entire electrical system, storing energy produced by the alternator or generator and supplying it to those systems requiring smooth, uninterrupted, and continuous current (lights, fuel injection system, main computer). There are several types of batteries used in modern automobiles, each varying in performance and price.

Batteries come in three varieties - conventional batteries (using a conventional lead-sulfuric acid matrix), low-maintenance batteries (using low-antimony content lead and sulfuric acid), and maintenance-free batteries (using lead-calcium matrices and an electrolytes of low vapor pressure).

Conventional batteries may be easily recognized by the presence of vent caps through which hydrogen and water vapor are expelled during the charging process. These vent caps must be removed periodically to add distilled water to the electrolyte.

Low-maintenance and maintenance-free batteries have, at the most, four small vent holes. The alloys and electrolytes used, however, last for the designed life of the battery and should never require the addition of distilled water.

Battery problems are one of the most common problems associated with car. With a little bit of care and simple preventive maintenance lots of problems associated with battery may be avoided. In case of conventional battery, regularly check the level of distilled water and add if necessary. Maintenance-free batteries, despite their name, require minimal care. The posts and cable terminals must be kept free of corrosion and deposits so that the battery can continue delivering its charge at peak efficiency.

When servicing a battery, work in an open, ventilated area, and always wear safety glasses. Battery acid is very corrosive: take care not to get any on your skin or clothes.

Use a solution of baking soda and water to wipe away corrosion from the top of the battery and around the posts. Baking soda is a base, so it will neutralize the acidic deposits that have built up on the outside of the battery.

Use a wire-bristle battery brush to clean deposits from the posts. Some brushes also have an attachment for cleaning inside the opening of the battery cable.

To help prevent future corrosion, apply petroleum jelly to the inside of the terminals and the posts before reattaching the cables.

If you are not using the vehicle for a long period of a month or so then remove the terminals from the battery. This prevents the discharge and prolongs the life of the battery.