Find Information On Capricorn 2012 Horoscope Forecast & Love Horoscope For Capricorn in 2012.

Capricorn 2012

Hindi Name: Makar
Date of Birth: 23rdDecember to 20th January
Ruling Planet: Shani
Nakshatras: Uttra Ashada, Shravana
Lucky Numbers: 9, 8, 6
Lucky Days: Saturday, Friday, Tuesday
Lucky Colours: Black, Brown, Ark Green
Lucky Stones: Neelam, Pukhraj, Pearl, Gomeda

This is the first sign of Saturn, and the tenth sign of the zodiac. In astrology, tenth house is one of the most important houses. This shows what trends and traits will be there in the profession, in the form of planetary arrangement, and its influence. For this very reason, Capricorn is regarded as the house of profession (Karma Bhava). An earth sign, it has the sun entering on December 23rd and exiting on February January 20th.

This sign represents the beginning of a new time. From this time onwards, the sun gathers momentum in the northern hemisphere. This is termed as Uttarayana, especially in the Vedic astrology. The nature of this sign resembles the traits of Jupiter, Saturn, and mobility. For the same reason, we see people born under this sign become good workers, social reformers, industrialists and agricultural workers.

General Forecast Capricorn 2012
This year is full of energy and enthusiasm, which will keep you moving ahead. Your friends will influence you to achieve your goals. Practical decisions may lead to positive changes. You can put all your efforts into business and career as advancement is on the cards. You will find yourself preoccupied with financial matters and likely to make positive gains in what you have invested. Prosperity is blooming on your cards, as your personal income will increase in the form of fixed assets. You are motivated to maintain fitness and you will put in extra efforts to achieve that. This will be an interactive year with lots of new happenings and changes. You will win applause for your work. You have made tough efforts to consolidate your position and now you feel more confident about it. Be cautious about taking risk as it may affect your smooth pace of life.  Travelling is on the cards, which will give you a chance to explore this beautiful world. Love life might blossom if you find courage to propose your sweetheart. In a nutshell, a bright, balanced and comfortable year ahead.

Stop bottling up your thoughts and feelings: be open to communication. This can certainly open up newer opportunities for you. You may be introduced to new people at parties and social events; so keep your eyes and ears open. There is a possibility of expansion in your social circle and if the stars favor you enough, then you might just find that someone special who matches up to your tastes and lifestyles. Love bug will certainly bite those singles.

Never mind if the year does not go as per your plans. Bigger projects may have to be broken into smaller parts before executing. There could be a difference of opinion with the senior management. Better be the way they want and avoid implementing your own ideas as it might result in a disaster. Second half of the year is opportune to impress those who matter in the professional scenario in order to step up the career ladder. Better beware of those who have a habit of gossiping or else things can float around in office in your name without you even being involved in it.
Lucky Number: 6
Lucky Colour: Peach
Lucky Months: June, August and September

Don't overstress yourself by trying to be everything to everyone; else, your energy levels will be affected. Plan a romantic evening out with lover. Driving a new set of wheels is likely for some. You can expect a positive feedback regarding your performance at work. Monetary gains are foreseen from the investments of the past. Those planning to buy a piece of land may have to shell out extra bucks.
Lucky Number: 11
Lucky Colour: Lemon

Promotional prospects surface for some. Do not over exert yourself in helping a stranger. Keep your secrets to yourself and avoid being too generous in sharing them with anyone and everyone that you come across. You may look for good investment options as money comes to you. Children will become a source of joy and admiration. Lover makes you proud with an achievement at their end.
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Pink

Nearness to lover will be most comforting. Some relief is foreseen for those under debt. Those searching for jobs should approach reputed consultants. Problems confronting you on the home front will disappear. An outing will be a welcome break from your hectic routine. Those complaining of dandruff or hair fall should better go for a regular treatment or medication before the problems begin to aggravate.
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: Red

Health remains satisfactory. You may have to use your networking skills to get something you want. A perfect romantic evening can be spoiled due to lover's moodiness. Do not dishearten the cupid with your dominating behavior; let yourself flow with the time and surrender yourself to it. Take special care of your finances, as whatever you earn is likely to be spent.
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Blue

Do not underestimate your skills to manage colleagues. Businessmen may have to reschedule the tasks at hand to accommodate a visiting delegation. Stop envying a neighbor going on a vacation; plan something for yourself too. Family may force you to meet some marriage prospect. Students should focus on their upcoming exams.
Lucky Number: 6
Lucky Colour: Saffron

You may have to be extra quick in submitting an assignment, if you want to beat the deadline. Positive thoughts will keep irritation at bay. Chances of a romantic affair are possible. So, get ready for a good time. It is best to postpone an official trip, as it may not meet your objective. Don't deny a relative's proposal to go and spend a day with them; you certainly need that break. A set diet and routine will be your biggest ally in keeping minor ailments away.
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Peach

You can find yourself a bit restless at times. Investing in a scheme may prove to be a bad call. Cater to the needs of your elderly relative, if you want to avoid any misunderstanding. Trust your instincts if you feel there is more to a situation than meets the eye. Keep a confidante at work place who could inform you about the day-to-day activities on the office front in your absence. It is good to trust the people in business relations, but it will be foolish to trust them blindly.
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: Yellow

Don't be upset over a subordinate's laziness at work. Think of ways how you can achieve the best in less time. Homemakers may resent interference on the home front. Students may have to put in extra hours on the academic front. Seek an expert guidance on the health front. Don't worry about your hazy financial situation; it shall improve towards the end of the month. Avoid spending on luxurious items that is not the need of the hour.
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Brick Red

You are likely to implement some new ideas to pep up your love life. A marriage proposal is on the cards for the eligible. Someone you are counting on at work may let you down. The lesson learnt should be to give in your best without expecting anything in return. Those expecting a salary hike or promotion may still have to wait for some time before you can hear of the celebration time.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Brown

Some of you can seethe with frustration at not being able to do something you had planned for. Your moodiness may cause friction at home. So, stop being over critical and over choosy about things and adapt yourself to the surroundings. Plan to spend some time away from your usual surroundings, just for a refreshing change. Students will be able to get the subjects of their choice.
Lucky Number: 5
Lucky Colour: Maroon

Less work will enable you to take some time off for yourself. You may find a member of the opposite camp attractive enough to take the first step. A lucrative deal can get the cash register ring. Some of you can miss loved ones and feel cut off from them. Students going abroad should keep all the necessary information handy as last minute packings can make them miss out on a couple of important things.
Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Colour: Off white

You will prove to be a good host. Some of you are likely to top an exam or crack a competition. Joining an elite organization is possible for some. Financing a family youngster will not be a problem, but assure that your over pampering doesn't spoil them. Love at first sight is on the cards, so keep your fingers crossed! Those married should make efforts to spend more time with each other to keep the romance and passion alive.
Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Colour: Dark Green

Positivity, prosperity, and professionalism are on the cards! Capricorn 2012 horoscope indicates positivism related to love, luck, and success, in the personal and professional lives, though the career chart may show failures in the first half. Stay optimistic, and brightness will soon rule you!