Your wait for 2012 Virgo forecast is over! In this article, we have given free Virgo love & general horoscope for 2012.

Virgo 2012

Hindi Name: Kanya
Date of Birth: 24th August to 23rd September
Ruling Planet: Buddha
Nakshatras: Uttra Phalguni, Hast
Lucky Numbers: 1, 4, 8
Lucky Days: Wednesday, Tuesday
Lucky Colours: Yellow, Green, Magenta
Lucky Stones: Diamond, Emerald, Pearl

Virgo is the sixth zodiac sign and ruled by Mercury, the lord of communication and business. One of the most reliable signs in the zodiac, this earthy sign is second in the series, the first being Taurus. Virgo is considered to be a magnet in the business class. This sign is connected with work and service. It is deemed to give benevolent results if influenced by a benefic planet. The sun enters Virgo on August 23rd and remains till September 23rd roughly. Virgo and Pisces are equal day-night signs. Sun in transit triggers Virgo qualities and significations. Virgos are usually blessed with easy gains, good inheritance, and interest in occult sciences.

General Forecast Virgo 2012
You are born to live a perfect life. Revive lost traits of yours to cleanse yourself as well as the people around you. Materialistic concerns can make your future little obscure and you will have to put away your wants and needs to overcome any financial burden in the future. Though it seems like a great time to make investments it would be better for you to hold on to your assets. If you are planning to invest your hard earned money in a property; make sure you either evaluate the property yourself or seek expert guidance. You might be troubled with pressure from family members, but it would be best for you to stay cool and look for the best solution to the problem. The conflicts may probably be related to money. Several occasions like promotions, marriage of friends or cousins will give you opportunities to meet that someone special in whom you can confide in. Trust the stars for the fact that the year 2012 will bring you cheerful moments or the kind of moments you have been looking forward to.

If you have heard of the phrase "love isn't easy"; see for yourself and you will be able to realize that lovers aren't difficult to find either. This year the two mantras for a happy love life would be – first, learn to not to take things to heart and second, if anything disturbs you, discuss it right away instead of piling up emotions. This, however, only applies to couples experiencing similar problems. Married men should specially exercise control over the temptations of straying. Remember, small time affairs can put you in big time problems. Don't enter into debates of any sorts.
The reasons for a successful change in somebody's career orbit around staying happy on the professional front and to work diligently. Colleagues may be busy talking behind your back towards the second quarter of the year but it will be wise for you to maintain distance and focus on completing pending jobs. This will help you professionally too. Researchers and scientists may be busy in giving something new to the world. Boost the morale of your workers if you wish to reach the zenith of your career. A few words of appreciation or a pat on the back shall serve you good and in turn multiply the efficiency and results of your employees or workers.
Lucky Number: 17
Lucky Colour: Electric Grey
Lucky Months: April, June, September

This is the right time for you to take the lead. Communicate with family members about their concerns. You possess a strong sense of what you want to achieve. Focus on your goals and work towards achieving them. Avoid being stubborn & selfish if you want to be accepted by peers. Financially, the month seems to be a promising one. . A lifestyle disease can play up, if you are not regular in the consumption of your medicines. Romantic affairs will be particularly rewarding while business matters also prosper equally.
Lucky Colour: Wood Brown

A tongue-lashing is in store for those not heeding to the directions from higher ups on the professional front. You will need to be aware of what is happening around you on the social front. The month turns out to be favorable for you. Something promised will be done without you having to work hard at getting it done. Your love life may require a push for you to take it to the next level. A regular work out ensures total fitness. Don't take chances on the road.
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: Magenta

Falling in love is possible. Securing a loan will help you in realizing the dream of owning properties. Don't get caught in time consuming discussions, state your views and then set the matter aside. It is a favorable month to schedule important meetings and presentations. It is better to inform your client in advance about the project being delayed to avoid any heated arguments later.
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Turquoise

Whatever you have planned on the professional front this month will be a thumping success. Catching the eye of the one you have a soft corner for cannot be ruled out. Peace prevails on the home front and will give you time for rest and relaxation. You are likely to come a step closer to buying a piece of property. You will not be afraid to take the good with the bad.
Lucky Number: 5
Lucky Colour: Mustard

Luck favors you this month and will help you in overcoming all kinds of hardships that you face at the moment. You are likely to find time and energy to complete a pressing task at work. Good financial management is likely to keep your financial front secure. Those unwell are likely to show quick recovery. You are likely to add people to your friends' circle by making new friends. Your love life is set to improve through mutual efforts.
Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Colour: Coffee

Romance blossoms for those out of town. Driving can prove to be great fun this month. Someone will project your image on the social front. Sift through all your options before taking on new commitments. You may get hard pressed for time for official work due to unforeseen interruptions, but you will handle them well. You are likely to vanquish rivals and come out victorious.
Lucky Colour: Magenta

Paying attention to domestic issues and chores will be a priority. Do not lend your hard earned money to anyone. Be proactive about pending legal issues. Those on the saving mode are likely to build up a good bank balance. Do not eat too much of food away from home because this can lead to stomach ailments.
Lucky Number: 1
Lucky Colour: Grey

You will come out the winner despite the odds facing you. Those feeling the brunt of the season on the health front will start showing improvement. Past investments are likely to give you handsome returns. A misjudgment on the business front is likely to cost you a lucrative deal. Health problems may plague you due to uncontrolled excesses. Your spouse or lover is likely to shower praises on you. Holiday shopping will turn out to be exciting.
Lucky Number: 2
Lucky Colour: Green

Delay in tendering may let an opportunity slip out of your hands. Do not set any unrealistic expectations in your love life since your partner's suspicious behavior can get you upset. Those looking for a job change are likely to hear of some opportunities. Accidental benefits are indicated. A silent conspiracy may rage behind your back at work; keep a check. Rising expenses may worry you and provoke you to make drastic cuts in your expenditure.
Lucky Number: 8
Lucky Colour: White

A comfortable journey is foreseen for those travelling by road. You will be able to wrap up a lot of work on the professional front with your efficiency. Financial difficulties faced by some are set to subside. You may be in a contemplative mood about changing equations in a close relationship. Set your pace, if you want to expand your business. Your hopes and aspirations are likely to receive a boost on meeting an influential person who supports your ideas.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Cream

There is a likelihood of biting off more than you can chew on the social front. However, there will be people to help you out of your problems. Set achievable goals in order to avoid being disappointed later. Be careful with your finances. Exercise control over your tongue to maintain a smooth love life. Delays in a long journey cannot be ruled out.
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Black

Time needs to be devoted to family affairs before this begins to pose problems for you. Channel your energies into something constructive at your work place. You are likely to have your hands full at work with no one to share the burden with. Adapting yourself to changed circumstances on the home front is required for peace of mind. Trust your instincts if you feel there is more to a situation than meets the eye. Your love life will be stable.
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Orange

Ups and downs will surround you; but you'll overcome them for you're born to lead a perfect life. The above Virgo 2012 horoscope highlights success and prosperity.