Your streak of good fortune which began the previous year will continue this year too. From a professional point of view you would want to explore newer avenues and will get ample opportunities to do so. This is the time to revisit your life and reset your ambitions. Scorpions are passionate by nature and will display deep commitment to whatever tasks they take upon themselves. This year will bring about some positive changes to your life. Ensure that you don�t get too involved in your professional life and take out time to spend with family and friends. The year 2015 will pass in a flurry of activities and you will find yourself a confident and motivated individual.
Romance: Scorpions are inherently romantic and passionate lovers. This year will be more exciting for you as compared to the past one. This is a great time to meet a new partner or tie the knot with your true love.
Career: Scorpions will tend to deeply focus on their professional life this year. You will form new connections and that will help in making professional progress. The cards indicate several business trips.
The year 2015 will be a good start for the Scorpions! You will feel powerful and confident, and will be able to accomplish much with your determination and hard work. Good fortune will smile at you and you will receive a large amount of money from an unexpected source. This is a good time for traveling.
This is a time when you will have to be cautious as financial problems are likely to arise. You are advised not to take risks in financial matters as the situation is not too favourable for you. You will feel tensed and distressed, but don�t lose heart as you will always receive support from a trusted friend. Your health might suffer especially if you're a heart patient with BP problems.
March will bring along lots of expenditure for you�both expected and unexpected. Your hasty decision making in crucial situations will lead to losses, so you are advised not to take any decision without thorough considerations. You will receive the full support of your father and higher authorities in facing the problems, so no need to despair. Take care of your children.
Your financial troubles will continue and you will find your expenses spiraling out of your control. This is not exactly a lucky period for you and you would have to depend more on your intelligence and hard work to bring results. You might be required to embark on journeys that will not bring any benefits. Be very careful if you decide to invest in the share market.
The planetary positions on your chart indicate a peaceful time for you. This is the time to relax and reenergize yourself. You will enjoy a harmonious family life. Even if you faced any problems with your spouse in the past, they will be resolved this month. For those who are single, the time is bright for new relations to develop. You will emerge stronger than your enemies though you must keep a check on your temper.
Your domestic life might face some troubles as the planets� astrological position indicates. There will be fights between your spouse and you which can escalate into major marital issues. Try to postpone any major journey as the time is not auspicious right now. Financial crises during this time is also unavoidable, therefore you should try to plan your expenses well in advance.
The charts indicate some health issues and risk of injuries this month. Thus you should take very good care of your physical being and not ignore even the smallest of symptoms. To avoid the risks of any accidental injuries, ensure that you drive carefully, and postpone long distance travel for now. Financially too, this is not a very good period. However, on the positive side, your life partner will always support you in facing the problems.
This is a time for you to work hard in order to see results. Luck is not much in your favor during this period so you have to depend more on your own capabilities for achieving success. You are advised to work patiently and not lose hope if your efforts don�t seem to bring immediate results. Your financial position will be stable and you may visit foreign lands.
You will be blessed with immense wealth in September. But you will have to work hard in order to achieve this financial fortune, and then only will luck favor you. You will be happier this month as compared to the past and will feel a new surge of confidence. The time is extremely good for those involved in politics. You will be concerned about the well-being of your children.
Family problems are in galore for Scorpions in the month of October. You will be concerned about your children�s well-being. But it is a good time for couples as your older conflicts will be resolved. Your financial position will be good and you might purchase a new vehicle or a home. October is a good time for traveling and your journeys will bear fruit. Your father will give you a pleasant surprise.
Be prepared for some financial instability. The positions of the planets in your chart are not favorable, and there is a risk of monetary losses. If you run your own business, then you need to be extremely careful as your income may decrease greatly. Your social importance will increase and you will receive an award which will get you respect. Diabetics and heart patients should take care of their health.
You will feel restless and confused this month which will make you take decisions in a hurry. This might lead to further problems as it is never a good idea to take decisions without proper consideration. You will face an increased risk for accidents and are advised to take precautionary measures to keep yourself safe during this stressful time. Some hidden enemies may emerge, so be very careful about whom you trust.