Union Bank of India was inaugurated by the Father of the Nation, Mahatama Gandhi, on November 11, 1919. Started as a limited company in Mumbai, it was one of the few Financial Commercial banks in India. Until 1947, UBI had only 4 branches - 3 in Mumbai and 1 in Saurashtra, all concentrated in key trade centres. Catering to all the sectors of the society, be it agriculture, industry, trade and commerce, services or infrastructure, the bank has also played a major role in rendering services to the financial needs of every section. Apart from this, the bank also extended financial support to educational, housing and trade sector.
Union Bank of India undertook the task of establishment of village knowledge centers and self-employment training centers. It was in 1975, that the Union Bank of India was nationalized. It was, then, that it merged with the Belgaum Bank, a private sector bank. Another merger was on cards in 1985, this time with the Miraj State Bank. Union Bank is a Public Sector Unit with 55.43% Share Capital held by the Government of India. The Bank came out with its Initial Public Offer (IPO) in August 20, 2002 and Follow on Public Offer in February 2006. Presently 44.57 % of Share Capital is presently held by institutions, individuals and others.
With the age of global banking, Union Bank of India also changed its style, boasting of urbanized and computerized core banking systems. A front runner among public sector banks in modern-day banking, it has all the facilities that a modern bank should have - internet banking and centrally computerized branches. UBI was one of the pioneer public sector banks, which launched Core Banking Solution in 2002. As of September 2005, more than 670 branches/extension counters of Bank are networked under Core Banking Solution. The Bank has launched multiple Electronic Delivery Channels and has installed nearly 423 networked ATMs.
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