Here is brief profile and history of IDBI Bank, India


The Industrial Development Bank of India Limited, now more popularly known as IDBI Bank, was established as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Reserve Bank of India. The foundation of the bank was laid down under an Act of Parliament, in July 1964. The main aim behind the setting up of IDBI was to provide credit and other facilities for the Indian industry, which was still in the initial stages of growth and development. In February 1976, the ownership of IDBI was transferred to Government of India.

After the transfer of its ownership, IDBI became the main institution, through which the institutes engaged in financing, promoting and developing industry were to be coordinated. In January 1992, IDBI accessed domestic retail debt market for the first time, with innovative Deep Discount Bonds, and registered path-breaking success. The following year, it set up the IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd., as its wholly-owned subsidiary, to offer a broad range of financial services, including Bond Trading, Equity Broking, Client Asset Management and Depository Services.

In September 1994, in response to RBI's policy of opening up domestic banking sector to private participation, IDBI set up IDBI Bank Ltd., in association with SIDBI. In July 1995, public issue of the bank was taken out, after which the Government's shareholding came down (though it still retains majority of the shareholding in the bank). In September 2003, IDBI took over Tata Home Finance Ltd, renamed �IDBI Home finance Limited�, thus diversifying its business domain and entering the arena of retail finance sector.

The year 2005 witnessed the merger of IDBI Bank with the Industrial Development Bank of India Ltd. The new entity continued to its development finance role, while providing an array of wholesale and retail banking products (and does so till date). The following year, IDBI Bank acquired United Western Bank (which, at that time, had 230 branches spread over 47 districts, in 9 states). In the financial year of 2008, IDBI Bank had a net income of Rs 9415.9 crores and total assets of Rs 120,601 crores.

The Present
Today, IDBI Bank is counted amongst the leading public sector banks of India, apart from claiming the distinction of being the 4th largest bank, in overall ratings. It is presently regarded as the tenth largest development bank in the world, mainly in terms of reach. This is because of its wide network of 509 branches, 900 ATMs and 319 centers. Apart from being involved in banking services, IDBI has set up institutions like The National Stock Exchange of India (NSE), The National Securities Depository Services Ltd. (NSDL) and the Stock Holding Corporation of India (SHCIL).

Products & Services

Personal Banking
Corporate Banking 
Head Office
IDBI Tower,
WTC Complex,
Cuffe Parade,
Mumbai - 400005
Tel: 91-22-22189111/ 66553355.
Fax: 91-22-22181294 /5179/8137