With the beginning of civilization, there arose a
need for smooth administration and division of responsibilities. Since
the population started to increase, people grew concerned about welfare
and able ruling. This led to the rise of an organizational structure
that dealt with the nuances of firm ruling and governance. The ancient
Indian government was very simple in structure. There used to be a tribe
chief who used to appoint helpers to look over the smooth functioning of
the society and dealt with grievances of people.
With the coming of different empires, the government of ancient India
took a more complex and elaborate form. The establishment of large
kingdoms in India gave birth to the concept of having a King or a
Maharaja who was the head of administration and the state. Everything
worked under his command and no one dared to oppose him. He usually used
to appoint a council of ministers who used to govern different areas of
the state. During the 6th century B.C., 16 Mahajanapadas or 16 great
kingdoms were established in India.
In ancient Indian government, one finds the different elements of modern
government also. This means that the foundation of the modern day
government was laid during the ancient times itself. The ancient Indian
government had three major components in the hierarchy. They were:
Legislative, Executive and the Judiciary. The chief head of the three
departments was the King. Effective judiciary made sure that crime was
under control and the offenders got the apt punishments for their
The ancient Indian government had an effective way of keeping tabs on
what people thought of the administration. This was kept in check by a
very secretive system of spies. The king used to be updated about what
is happening in his kingdom regularly by these spies who used to roam
around in the kingdom in disguise. There was effective military and the
soldiers were well trained in the art of warfare. There were regular
updates of population, birth rate, death rate, etc. Despite a huge
empire, administration was controlled and highly effective in ancient