Northern Railway is one amongst the nine older zones of Indian Railways. Explore Northern Railway zone of India.

Northern Indian Railway

Headquarters: Delhi
Divisions: Delhi, Ambala, Firozpur, Lucknow, Moradabad
Established on: 14 April 1952

The Northern Railway (NR) is one amongst the nine older zones of Indian Railways. Delhi, the capital city of India, serves as the headquarters of Northern Railway. The whole zone is divided into five divisions namely Delhi, Ferozpur, Ambala, Lucknow and Moradabad for smooth administration. Northern Railway is also acknowledged to have the largest route kilometers of track (6807 km) under its control consistently yet after the streamlining of the railways into the new structure of zones.

On 14 April 1952, Northern Indian Railway came into being after amalgamation of Jodhpur Railway, Bikaner Railway, Eastern Punjab Railway, north-west of Mughalsarai and three divisions of the East Indian Railway. Northern Railway embraces states of Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Chandigarh (Union Territory) in India. Not only this, NR is also known for operating world's largest route relay interlocking (RRI) at Delhi.