Behavior problems and what is normal behavior in a
child is determined by child's age, physical and emotional
development, personality and what is socially and culturally acceptable
in his or her surroundings. A child who may be considered normal in one
part of the world may be considered as one with behavior problem in
other part of the world. Family's expectations, whether the action
is disruptive and what is expected from an average child of that age
determined whether a child has 'good' behavior or a 'bad'
one. Children learn to behave in a certain manner by observing other
Behaviors that are appreciated or rewarded may make the children repeat
them again and again and the behaviors that are ignored or warrant
punitive actions are normally dropped off. It is the consistency of the
parents that helps the child decide, whether to continue a behavior or
not. Rewarding a behavior at one time and punishing the child for it on
another, may just confuse the child and your child may develop behavior
problem. Sometimes, we may have to decide whether the behavior is not a
problem depending on the child's age and stage of development. Ignoring
unwanted or 'bad' behavior is the best way to stop it in the
long term as some children just repeat the actions as they crave for
your attention, whether it is positive or negative.
When more drastic steps are needed to make the child stop a certain
behavior, you may use the time-out method as a way of punishment.
Explain once but do not discuss bad behavior again and again. Reinforce
good behavior by giving rewards. Reward system works best for children
above two years of age and it may take about two months to make the
children understand how it works. Parents need to be patient. Keeping a
diary and targeting at just one or two behaviors to change at once makes
it easier for kids and parents too. Behaviors you choose can include
brushing teeth before going to bed, keeping toys and books in their
place and good table manners.Rewards cane simple fun activities that you
share with your children such as an extra bedtime story, allowing
children to delay their bedtime by half an hour to watch their favorite
cartoon, a preferred snack or points for older children that they can
collect and use to get a special toy or favor from you. Before switching
a child doing one thing to another, tell him beforehand, such as in five
minutes, playtime will be over or it's dinnertime in another ten
minutes. Punishments and shouting at children may just make them
rebellious or they may repeat the behavior to get your attention, which
they may crave for more than any reward. Simply, do not give them the
reward that they would have got, if they had behaved in the desired way.
Stopping Baby Bites
Breastfeeding is not only a source of nutrition for kids but also a source of comfort. Nursing is a pleasurable experience for both mother and the child as babies suck on breasts, calming hormones are produced in the mother’s body, which makes her feel very relaxed. However, during teething, children often start biting on breasts and use it as a teething ring instead of just a pacifier, which is painful for the moms.
Learning Good Behavior for Kids
Here are some games that you can play with your child everyday as a fun way of learning good behavior. These games are also quite helpful in making your child a lot easier and end many of the power struggles with your little ones and make them do things quickly and much more efficiently
Behavior Correction Tips
The argument on the validity of the statement of ‘Spare the rod and spoil the child’ has been going on for ages. Many parents think that physical punishment, such as spanking, sometimes becomes unavoidable and a ‘must’ to stop undesirable behavior in a child. Experts say that physical punishments can make your child stop a certain behavior but do not teach him to correct or change it.
Fear of Strangers
A baby’s temperament is reflected right from the way he or she reacts as an infant. Around 4 months of age, babies start trying to read people’s faces and behavior closely and try to differentiate between people who can be trusted and who cannot be trusted. Some babies are more extroverted and friendly than others and readily go to strangers
Hair Pulling
We never know from where the toddlers can pick up some of the most annoying habits. Most of them are harmless and with growing age and maturity, they vanish. One of such habits is a child pulling his own hair, which hurts him too. They may even have bald spots and parents are worried whether their children need behavior therapy as a corrective action. Here are some tips that you can use to handle hair-pulling children:
Mood Swings in Toddlers
Mood swings in toddlers can rally frighten some parents. At one moment, they are happy, making pleasant talks to everybody around them and playing and chuckling but come another moment, and they transform into little devils and start screaming, flailing their arms angrily and throwing toys. The biggest worry is whether the child has some serious emotional problems or is this just a passing phase.
Habit of Stripping Clothes in Kids
Toddlers do not understand modesty until they are five years old. They do not understand the need to do things that are socially acceptable. Wearing clothes may seem an unnecessary burden to the innate barbaric in them. They may like their birthday suits and parents have been embarrassed when their child insists on being a nudist or strip off his clothes and streak in a party with a broad grin on their faces.
Time-Outs As Punishments
Does your kid show inappropriate behavior? If yes, then you would realize that it is so difficult to make kids behave properly, especially when they are between 18-24 months of age. Most parents spank their child or face power-struggles with the kid. However, as parents, you should realize it is not punishment that the kid requires.
Toddler Tantrums
Tantrums are a normal stage of toddler development. In some children, they just cross the limits and become intolerable. During this phase, the child cries uncontrollable, screams and yells, may throw things or even vomit. He or she may also try to hit the parents or caregivers if they do not get what they want or their whim is not catered to.