Know about sensory development in kids, five
senses in babies, baby's senses and their uses.
Sensory Development in Kids
A child is born with five senses and right from
birth, he/she can explore each of them. Right from the time when he
comes out of his mother's womb, he recognizes the smell of his mother
and could sense his touch. A new born kid takes time to explore the
other things around him. After coming out of his mother's womb,
everything seems new and different to him. However, with time he
gradually starts getting familiar with these things. He explores this
new world with his available sense and in this process gradually
develops his own sensory.
Understanding Sensory in a newbie
At the time of birth, a kid can explore all the five senses- tasting,
hearing, seeing, touching and smelling, though these senses are not
fully developed. Just after birth he could see whatever is within eight
to ten inches from their eyes. He is also used to some familiar sounds
in his womb which he can recognize just after birth. A newbie also gets
soothed by hearing lullabies and white sounds. He recognizes few smells
and strives hard to recognize other. Though he can't express with words,
he tries hard to convey his emotions by movement and cries.
Gradual Sensory Development in a kid
Sights and sound
Right from the time of birth, a kid has good understanding and
recognization of sound. With time he starts interpreting words and
understands the meanings. It is very easy for a kid to understand the
tone of speech. The sight also develops with time; just after birth he
can see things in a range of eight to ten inches from their eyes. He
also easily recognizes black, white and red colors. With time his range
of vision and understanding of color also develops.
Touch and Texture
Small babies love to be touched. They love massage and sleeping in lap
just because personal touches make him/her feel secure. In order to
explore every thing around, they put it inside mouth to touch it through
their most sensitive organ- their tongue. A sense of good touch and bad
touch also starts developing in a kid after sometime.
It is first of all through smell that a kid recognizes his mother. With
time he starts recognizing the smell of other family members. He also
quickly recognizes the smell of the food or fruit, he loves to eat. With
time, he develops an understanding of all the smell around.
How to aid Sensory development in a kid?
Though sensory development is natural process in kids, you can
certainly make the entire procedure fast by helping him in coming out of
the complex hurdles in the way. But before that you yourself need to
understand few things. Here is the list.
- Do not over burden your kid with knowledge at an initiating
point. This will do nothing but irritate your kid.
- Try to help him where he feels hindered otherwise let him explore
the world on his own.
- Do not be overprotective about your kid. Draw a line between
being caring and over caring. Let him go out of the way to explore
the world. Do not safeguard him so much that you start limiting his
desires and capabilities.
- Try to understand the world from a kid's point of view before you
start telling all complex things together. It's not a kid who will
become mature to understand you, remember you will have to become a
kid to understand him.
Sense of Hearing in a BabyWell, if you thought that a newborn baby cannot hear, thing again!! The sense of hearing in an infant develops much before the birth of the baby. When in the womb, the baby hears his mother's heartbeats, the grumbling of her stomach and the sudden loud noises like a car blaring or a drum banging.
Sight & Vision in InfantsBabies are curious about everything around them, right from their very birth. They love to look at bright colors in the crib and their mom's smiling face again and again. Amongst the first few things that babies learn to recognize is their mother's face, as she feeds and nurses them.
Sense of Smell in InfantsSmell is the most advanced, out of the five senses, present in babies at the time of birth. Unlike eyesight, hearing or touch that requires some time, the sense of smell is developed, right at the time when infants are in the womb. Surprised!! Studies have shown that right from the time when babies are in the womb, they smell the amniotic fluid, which is apparently rich with smells.
Sense of Taste in a BabyBabies explore at most things by putting them inside their mouths. While they naturally prefer breast milk or formulas that are sweet in taste, they try to put any and every thing in their mouth to feel it and get a sense of taste of it. It can become an important safety net in babies, as they spit out anything that does not taste good almost immediately.
Sense of Touch in BabiesThe sense of touch is well-developed considerably, in infants. They respond to touch in similar ways as adults do. In fact, it is inherent in a newborn to make out that, he/she has been touched by his/her mother. Touch is a vital sense, which affects the bond between the parent and the infant.