Here is information about the heart rate during
pregnancy. Read about pregnancy baby heart rate.
Heart Rate During Pregnancy
A pregnant lady undergoes tremendous body changes. One of the most important body changes is the change in the normal heart rate. The heart rate of a pregnant lady generally increases due to the increase in the blood flow from the heart in order to support the increased requirement in the body. This rise in your pregnancy heart rate affects your as well as your expected baby's heart fitness. So before you venture into anything too enthusiastic or vigorous, think twice.
Why Does Heart Rate Shoot Up?
Changes in your circulatory system gradually occur after you conceive. The change is to fulfill the requirements of extra blood in your body to nourish your baby. The blood during pregnancy circulates through placenta to ensure the supply of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the developing fetus in your body. The cardiac output of your heart increases by 30-40 percent and your blood pressure decline slightly as more of your blood is aimed at the uterus, kidneys and skin.
What is the Normal Heart Rate During Pregnancy?
The heart rate during pregnancy is a little higher than the normal heart rate. As during pregnancy there is a requirement for inhaling more oxygen due to fetal development, the heart rates shoots up. In general, the heart rate of a women is 70 beats per minute but during pregnancy the heart rate goes around 85-90 beats per minute. Incase yours is a twin pregnancy case or it is your second pregnancy, the blood flow to your heart will be even more, thus leading to a much faster heart rate. In the last trimester of your pregnancy, there is a chance of an increase of 10-20 beats in your heart rate.
How to Maintain Your Heart Rate During Pregnancy?
Make sure that during entire period of your pregnancy, you monitor your heart rate. Any in discrepancy from normal should be immediately reported to your doctor. In case you will extreme breathlessness, prefer consulting it with your doctor. Also assure that you are not in any kind of cardiac pain or uneasiness except for the normal fluctuations during pregnancy. Also pledge that you eat right and drink a lot of water. In order to avoid any chance of cardiac problems, avoid over exerting yourself. Exercise in limit and make sure that the exercises you perform are not increasing your heart rates to extreme. Also take proper sleep and avoid stress.