A comprehensive month-by-month free horoscope and forecast related to business, finance, career and love for Aquarius in 2014.
Aquarius Horoscope 2014
A highly ambitious nature makes you take a leading role in any activity you undertake. You are religious by nature, though you don�t like to show it. However, this year you may devote yourself to spiritual pursuits and may even go on a pilgrimage. Your depth of knowledge will be the key factor in achieving success this year. Your actions and attitude will earn you a lot of respect from your colleagues. On the romantic front, you will enjoy harmony and peace. You will be supported by your spouse in all important matters. At your end, you should not get perturbed over small issues, since this will only result in tension. Your understanding nature and psychological approach to problems will make friends rely on you in times of need.
Romance: Life is not always possible on your terms and conditions. Especially, the love life, where you are required to be down to earth, cooperating and submissive. If you put the dominating foot forward you may not gain anything but lose your near and dear ones. Get a little more lovey dovey and keep your ego at bay.
Career: You will have the best of your time this year. Your hard work will be much appreciated and you can become a role model for your colleagues. Your ability to handle pressure will be well noticed by the superiors and bag you the long due promotion.
Lucky Months: January, April and July.
Lucky No. 4
Lucky Color: Purple
Tip of the Year: In Feng Shui it is said that the sound of the bells gently stimulates positive chi (positive energy). As 9 (nine) is the number of fulfillment and red is a lucky colour in Feng Shui, tie nine small bells on a red cord and hang them on the inside of your front door, to attract happiness and luck in your home.
Be discreet in discussing financial matters as lack of secrecy can put you at a disadvantage. A new product line launched may not show the desired response without adequate publicity. Shed lethargy and disinterest at work as it can affect performance. Some of you are likely to misplace an important document, but will find it in the end. Addiction to junk food can find you in ill health.
Lucky No.: 7
Lucky Colour: White
Staying the night out with your best friend is on the cards for some. This is the time to enjoy life, so go out and paint the town red! Success at work is assured as you perform even beyond your own expectations. Domestic front is likely to be most restful and serene. You manage to put an off mood family elder in a happy state. A home remedy will prove a godsend.
Lucky No.: 17
Lucky Colour: White
Some government employees can finally get their long overdue promotion. Love is a two-way traffic, your attempts to make it one way can cause friction. A change of heart and disinterest can put the careers of some in jeopardy. Homemakers will be able to take positive steps in making home environment harmonious. Lack of preparation will tell on those appearing for a competition. Don�t take any chances with your health.
Lucky No.: 1
Lucky Colour: Magenta
You will be able to strike a fine balance to achieve good health. A relaxing environment on the home front will help you to unwind. Your initiative and go is likely to make you the favourite of your seniors. Good earning potential will be created by implementing untried ideas. Investing in property will give good returns, especially if you sell it now. Your tender approach will bring you closer to lover.
Lucky No.: 22
Lucky Colour: Dark Slate
Travelling to a distant location will be fun, especially if it is with lover! A family get-together will provide an opportunity of meeting everyone. Good performance will help you in enhancing promotional prospects. A change of job is likely to give you better salary and perks. Those undergoing training in institutes and academies will excel. Young entrepreneurs will start earning good profits soon. A healthy alternative will help you get into perfect shape.
Lucky No.: 5
Lucky Colour: Indigo
Good opportunities will come to those who have cleared a tough competition. Giving up health products and switching to a normal balanced diet will be a step in the right direction. Those thinking of buying a house or vehicle will be able to do so soon. An exciting drive out of town is on the cards for some. Spouse is most cooperative and will support your ideas. Health remains satisfactory.
Lucky No.: 6
Lucky Colour: Violet
Those in charge at work can punch holes in your job well done and make you start all over again. An urgently required loan is likely to be sanctioned. Revealing your innermost thoughts to someone close is not recommended at this juncture. A family member is likely to prove a great help around the house. A party can get you into high spirits and prove highly entertaining. Remember excess of anything is bad.
Lucky No.: 18
Lucky Colour: Maroon
You will have to make the domestic environment tranquil if you want to enjoy a relaxing time. A party thrown by someone can lack the fun element. This is a good period to take up important projects at work. Entrepreneurs will be able to get a foothold in the market for their product. Lover�s suggestion for spending time outdoors must be considered sympathetically. It is best to avoid outside food.
Lucky No.: 17
Lucky Colour: White
A misplaced item or money may have to be given up as lost. Homemakers can remain dissatisfied with the quality of renovation work despite spending time and money on it. Those who are looking for suitable employment are likely to land a dream job. Some of you can get lucky and get selected by campus recruiters. A perfect matrimonial match may not seem that perfect, as you delve deeper.
Lucky No.: 6
Lucky Colour: Dark Brown
Apprehension regarding a financial issue will be laid to rest. Joining hands with a competitor can enhance profits. Those in the top corporate positions can struggle to steer the company in the right direction. Nomination for an award or honour expected by some can be shelved for a later date. Visit to a friend or relative is likely to make the days exciting. An exclusive dinner out is on the cards for some.
Lucky No.: 3
Lucky Colour: Golden Brown
Those in business will have to be judicious in their spending. Family may not initially support your ideas, but you will get around them. You may feel shackled and may not be able to do your thing on the professional front. This can lead to a frustrating existence. Too many hurdles can discourage some from pursuing their dreams. Retaining a help at home can require a lot of motivation from your side.
Lucky No.: 18
Lucky Colour: Brown
An excellent month is foreseen for those seeking a life partner. Some of you can expect to receive a large amount of money. Students are likely to excel and some can even hope for scholarships. If something important is to be done on the work front, do it as this is your most favourable time. You will manage to remain energetic and fresh by giving periodic breaks to your regular exercise regime.
Lucky No.: 2
Lucky Colour: Pink