A comprehensive month-by-month free horoscope and forecast related to business, finance, career and love for Taurus in 2014.
Taurus Horoscope 2014
Look up in the sky and take a deep breath as all your problems seem to have bypassed. It is time to enjoy, take rewards for all your efforts that you have sown in the past. This year your financial condition would improve, as you would benefit from past investments. New business ventures would prove quite lucrative. Improved finances will make you spend more on luxuries and other living comforts. You would change your perception of love this year, as you would tend to be more secretive and keep many things to yourself only. Your relationship will lack the trust it normally did, which might create problems at times. Health would be matter of concern, and preventive medication should not be ignored at any cost.
Romance:Love is all about sharing & caring. Have you heard of the saying? You halve your problems if you share them with someone you love and you multiply your happiness if you share the same with the one you love. Why not to experiment this? And multiply your happiness. Try opening up yourself a bit more and look what miraculous results the stars bring with itself.
Career: Some of you are likely to hear of new job prospects. Those who have just graduated may find the opportunity of their preference; though package would initially be just sufficient but you will have a great learning curve. Some of you may also wish to start small businesses from the home.
Lucky Months: February, April, September and October.
Lucky No.7
Lucky Color: Peach
Tip of the Year: If you have dripping tap in the kitchen, then mend it as soon as possible, because leakage symbolizes that your money is also slowly leaking away. Leakage should be avoided in any cost.
Good mood prevails as things go right on both the personal and professional fronts. You will be much sought after at work as your advice generally works wonders for others. Personally, you will find the family front most peaceful and tranquil, allowing you to do your own thing. Getting romantically involved with someone is in the stars, so rejoice! Financially, you are likely to restore your prosperity. Hitting a bright patch on the health front is foreseen. Don't take chances on the road.
Lucky No.: 5
Lucky Colour: Parrot Green
Luck prevails on the work front. Something you desire may be presented to you on a platter! A senior may choose to overlook your mistake, because of your good reputation. You may find your love life getting increasingly satisfying. A positive word about a suitable match may double your efforts for a marital tie-up for the eligible. A bailout is likely for those facing a financial crunch. Much benefit will accrue for those setting out on a business trip. Neglecting health can prove expensive.
Lucky No.: 6
Lucky Colour: Parrot Green
You are likely to remain on a safe wicket monetarily. Adding to your wealth is most likely with increase in earning. Keeping good health may become an obsession with you and find you on the path to total fitness. Travel is likely to help you unwind and rejuvenate. You will have to keep a close tab on subordinates at work to monitor the progress of something important. You can make it a point to visit someone who has called you over.
Lucky No.: 17
Lucky Colour: Bottle Green
You may feel that you are drifting apart with those around you. Instead of blaming them for ignoring and sidelining you, seek the answer within as the blame can well lie within you. You may not be able to deliver the quality that is sought by higher ups or clients, so keep up your efforts. A one-way relationship can prove frustrating for some and may result in a split. You may want all the comforts in life on someone else�s expense without spending a single pie.
Lucky No.: 1
Lucky Colour: Lemon
This is the time when you should sit back and think out the future. This is because you may not feel fully satisfied with what you are presently into. It will not be a bad idea to listen to your heart rather than your mind. Some of you may focus on the family, but may find the members too busy doing their own things. Love life may need rekindling as it may lack the magic of yesteryears. Your earning remains stable.
Lucky No.: 7
Lucky Colour: Silver Grey
You will find luck turning for the better as you get what you seek. Overcoming lack of self-esteem on the professional front is possible by conscious efforts. An excellent opportunity is likely for those involved in trade. If you are in a complaining mode, your spouse is likely to set it right by giving you a pleasant surprise! Some succor is likely for the lovesick. A long drive can prove exhilarating, especially if you are undertaking it with your near and dear ones.
Lucky No.: 5
Lucky Colour: Bluish Green
An assignment entrusted to you is likely to prove difficult. Someone may compel you to do something that you feel is not right, so listen to your voice within and don't give in. You can get hoodwinked by someone who is after your money, if you are not careful. Petty bickerings may spoil the home atmosphere. You may be cross with lover over an issue that means a lot to you. Something that you eat may not suit your system; watch your meals.
Lucky No.: 17
Lucky Colour: Parrot Green
A vacation is likely to materialise for some and may prove quite exciting. You will prevent an ancestral property from becoming a bone of contention amongst the family members. A gossip campaign can be initiated against you on the social front, but you will be able to counter it. Last week of the month, you may not be in the right frame of mind to take up anything important at work. Some industrialists may get worried about low turnover. You are likely to neglect health and pay for it.
Lucky No.: 8
Lucky Colour: Light Grey
Your intelligent application to complex matters may make you a favourite with the boss. Putting in a few extra hours in moonlighting can translate into big money for some. If you are not keeping good health there is no reason to worry as total recovery is on the horizon. Spouse may seem a bit reserved, so make it a point to enquire. Romantic mood may not dawn on its own, you have to get into it! Follow your heart in matters that are unclear.
Lucky No.: 7
Lucky Colour: Lemon
Your persistent efforts promise to keep you fit and healthy. A raise or an increment can be expected by some. You can be asked by someone to accompany him or her on a trip, but it may not turn out to be as exciting as it had sounded at first. A tiff with house owner regarding tenancy cannot be ruled out for some. Your mood swings may put off lover and spoil a perfect evening of togetherness. Listen to the advice of a family elder.
Lucky No.: 3
Lucky Colour: Red
You are likely to get into the habit of saving and what you save is certain to come in handy on the rainy day. Getting the reins back on the professional front is indicated for those feeling out of sorts of late. You are not likely to leave any stone unturned in looking after an ailing person you like. A treat of a movie is in store for those in love. Doing up the home can prove therapeutic. Smile is infectious and you may infect many.
Lucky No.: 8
Lucky Colour: Electric Grey
You are likely to go head over heels for someone you simply cannot stop loving! Buying a piece of health equipment is possible for some. Shifting to a bigger house is indicated. If you are not following instructions at work, you are asking for trouble, so mend your ways or someone else will make you do it. Trouble brews for youngsters on the domestic front for something not done. You may hide more than what you reveal, this may make others suspect you.
Lucky No.: 18
Lucky Colour: Golden Brown