One of the main fundamental rights, the Right against Exploitation is an important part of the constitution.
Right Against Exploitation
The right against exploitation is one of the most vital fundamental rights given by the Indian Constitution. These rights aim at protecting citizens from being subjugated to environmental, domestic and work hazards. Articles 23 and 24 of the Indian Constitution safeguard women and children and others against exploitation of various forms.
Article Against Human Trafficking And Forced Labor
The first provision in the Article that mentions the Right against exploitation, states the �eradication of human trafficking and forced labor (beggar)�. Article 23 declares slave trade, prostitution and human trafficking a punishable offence. There is, however, an exception here in the form of employment without payment for compulsory services for public purposes. Compulsory military conscription is covered by this provision
Article Against Child Labor
Article 24 of the Indian Constitution prohibits abolition of employment of children below the age of 14 years in dangerous jobs like factories and mines. Child labour is considered gross violation of the spirit and provisions of the constitution. The parliament has also passed the Child Labor act of 1986, by providing penalties for employers and relief and rehabilitation amenities for those affected.
Although Articles 23 and 24 lay down definite provisions against trafficking and child labor, the weaker sections of the society are still faced by such grave problems. Punishable by law, these acts are now legitimately bound by legal actions of the Parliament in the form of Bonded Labor Abolition Act of 1976 and the Child Labor Act of 1986, along with the ground rules and provisions stated in the Right against Exploitation act.