Botanical Name(s): Matricaria Chamomilla
Family Name: Compositae
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae
Tribe: Anthemideae
Genus: Matricaria
Species: M. recutita
Popular Name(s): Matricaria, Anthemis, Ground Apple, Roman Camomile, Garden Camomile, Low Camomile, Whig Plant, German Chamomile, Wild Chamomile, Amerale, Bayboon, Babunnej, Kami-Ture, Manzanilla Dulce, Papatya, Blue Chamomile, Hungarian Chamomile, Scented Mayweed.
Parts Used: Chamomile flowers, Chamomile stalks, Whole Plant.
Habitat: Grows as a weed all over dry parts of India
Known by different names, chamomile is a perennial low-growing plant native to Europe and Western Asia. The branched stem of the plant is erect, smooth and grows to a height of 15 to 60 cm. The long and narrow leaves are bipinnate or tripinnate. The solitary, terminal flower heads consist of white ray florets that are furnished with a ligule and yellow disc florets. They bloom in early to mid summer and have a strong, aromatic fragrance. Chamomile has now been introduced to temperate North America and Australia as well. The Roman Chamomile has a stronger fragrance as compared to the German Chamomile.
Plant Chemicals
(+)- alpha-bisabolol, choline, galacturonic-acid, glucose, 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic -acid, 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic-acid, 3,4-dihydroxycinnamic-acid, 3-carene, 3- hydroxy -2-methylidene-butyric-acid-angelate, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-be nzoic-acid, 4-methoxybenzoic-acid, 6-3-dimethoxyquercetin, 6,7-dimethoxyquercetin, 6-hydroxy-luteolin-7-glucoside, 6-methoxykaempferol, alpha-bisabololoxide-a, alpha-bisabololoxide-b, alpha-bisabololoxide-c, alpha-bisaboloneoxide-a, alpha- muurolene, ap igenin glucosides, ascorbic-acid, axillarin, azulene, betacaryo-phyllene, beta-damascenone, bisabolene, borneol, bornyl-acetate, caffeic-acid, calamene, capric-acid, caprylic-acid, caryophyllenepoxide, catechin-tannins, chamazulene, chamomilla-esters, chamomillol, chlorogenic-acid, chrysoeriol, chrysoeriol-7-glucoside, chrysosplenol, chrysosplentin, cis-caryophyllene, cis-en-yn-dicycloether, epsilon-1-(2,6-dimethylphenyl) -2-buten-1-one, ethyl- benzoate, ethyl-decanoate, ethyl-palmitate, ethyl-phenyl acetate, eupaletin, farnesene, farnesol, furfural, galactose, gallic-acid-tannin, gentisic-acid, geraniol, herniarin, hyperoside, isoferulic-acid, isorhamnetin, isorhamnetin -7-glucoside, jaceidin, kaempferol, linoleic-acid, luteolin, luteolin glucosides, matricarin, matricin, niacin, o-coumaric-acid, p-coumaric-acid, palmitic-acid, patuletin, pectic-acid, perillyl-alcohol, polyacetylene, quercetagetin-3,5,6,7,3',4'-hexamethylether, quercetagetin-3,6,7,3',4'-pentamethylether, querce-tagetin, tetrameth ylether, quercetin, quercetin-3-galactoside, quercetin-7-glucoside, quercetrin, quercimeritrin, rhamnose, rutin, salicylic-acid, sinapic-acid, spathulenol, spinacetin, tannin, thiamin, thujone, trans-alpha- farnesene, trans-en-yn-dicycloether, triaconta ne, umbelliferone, xanthoxylin, xylose.
Uses & Benefits of Chamomile
- Chamomile is stomachic, tonic, anodyne, anti-spasmodic, laxative, diaphoretic, analgesic, carminative, anti-inflammatory and sedative.
- It is used for nervousness, headaches, anxiety and hysteria.
- The herb benefits cramps and spasms.
- One tablespoon of chamomile powder steeped in a cup of boiling water, with two slices of ginger, is very effective in alleviating menstrual cramps and other pains.
- Chamomile tea is also useful for minor digestive problems like acid indigestion and gas, weak stomach, stomach pains, lack of appetite and colic pain.
- It also proves effective against intestinal parasites like worms.
- Chamomile, when taken regularly, regulates the bowels.
- The plant is very useful in aching muscles, hay fever, asthma, morning sickness, eczema, sore nipples and exhaustion.
- The herb is used as a mouthwash to relieve the pain of a toothache.
- It is used to treat insomnia and other nervous conditions, when taken as a strong tea.
- Chamomile flowers are made into a salve and used on hemorrhoids and wounds.
- The flowers are added to bath for relaxing tired, aching muscles and feet, and softening the skin.
- Applying chamomile as an external wash or compress treats skin inflammations, sunburns and burns.
- Chamomile relieves diaper rash and serious leg ulcers.
- Any person allergic to ragweed should not use the chamomile herb, since it is a relative of the former.
- The plant contains coumarin. Thus, it should be taken with care, to avoid potential drug interactions.
- In rare cases, large doses of chamomile can cause nausea and vomiting.
- In rare cases, rashes may occur due to chamomile use.