Here is given the biography of the well known
social activist Shanta Sinha. Check out the life history of Shanta
Shanta Sinha

Shanta Sinha, the Ramon Magsaysay award winner, has recently been
appointed for the post of chairperson of the National Commission for
Protection of Child Rights. She is the founder secretary trustee of the
Mamidipudi Venkatarangaiya (MV) Foundation, Secunderabad. Well, in this
article, we will present you with the biography of Shanta Sinha, a great
social activist.
She has made an immense contribution in the area of child development.
She has strived hard for eliminating child labor. She has played a
pivotal role in universalizing the elementary education. These days, she
is working in close association with government teachers,
non-governmental organizations women's groups, local bodies and youth
Presently, Shanta Sinha is focusing her attention on the development of
girl child and children, who are engaged in the industries as bonded
laborers. She has taken up a number of social issues like compulsory
school education, eradication of child labor etc. To know the complete
life history of Shanta Sinha, read on.
She looks reserved and shy, but when she expresses her views on varied
topics related to the societal welfare, she does it with full enthusiasm
and eloquence. When she speaks, there is a confidence in her eyes and
hardly anyone dares to oppose her, because the data that she presents in
support of her argument is impeccable and absolutely authentic.
Despite the lack of expertise and shortage of funds, she is running a
voluntary organization consisting of more than 86,000 members. She is
never hesitant to raise her voice against sensitive issues that are a
matter of concern to the society. Her approach is absolutely clear cut
and she is able to infuse vibrant energy into the people, thus
motivating them to give their level best to fight for a noble cause.
During the mid 80s, when the Government of India was occupied in
mulling over the idea of launching the adult literacy programmes, Shanta
Sinha was a faculty member of the department of Political Science at the
University of Hyderabad. At present, she is a professor in the
University. At that moment, she was more concerned about the condition
of adult workers in different sectors. She was concentrating on how to
go about unionizing them.
Sinha also served as the director of the recently established Shramik
Vidya Peeth. This platform gave her an opportunity to view things from
close and see the ground realities of life. While working there, she
realized that 40% of the bonded laborers were children. During that
time, there was not even a single agency that was working exclusively
for the welfare of children. So, she took up this challenge and came out
victoriously. She is a great person, who has been making every effort to
bring a smile on the face of children.