Map of India

ThiruvananthapuramMap will help you to locate major roads and travel destinations in Thiruvananthapuram/Trivandrum.

Thiruvananthapuram City Map

NOTE: You can drag the map with your mouse and double click to zoom.

Thiruvananthapuram, the capital of Kerela is located, in south India. Thiruvananthapuram is between the Western Ghats and the Arabian Sea. Thiruvananthapuram's history dates back to 1000 BC. Thiruvananthapuram's climate doesn't experience any vast difference in climate with temperature in summer hovering around 35oC and the winter temperature falling to 18oC. The best time to visit Thirhuvananthpuram is between October to March. Thiruvananthpuram is located at 8o54' N latitude and 76o41'E and 77o17'E longitude.

When you visit Thiruvanthpuram make sure you visit places like Sri AnanthpadmnabhaswamyTemple, Church, VeliTouristVillage, Sankhumugham Beach etc.

To give you an enthralling experience in Thiruvanthapuram we present to you the map of Thirhuvanthpuram. The map of Thiruvanthpuram will tell you every details of the city regarding hotels, airports, banks, etc. The comprehensive map of Thiruvananthapuram gives you vital information regarding important roads and lanes too and makes your visit a worthy one.