Know about childproofing your home, child safety tips at home and safe homes for children.

Childproofing Your Home

You may be surprise at what your kids are capable of doing and at sudden development in their activities such as rolling over, crawling and trying to climb up using an open drawer as the ladder. These may lead to unexpected accidents such as tipping hot liquids over themselves, making a shelf and its content fall, cutting themselves, falling from height and wandering outdoors or on to the streets alone. To keep your child safe and secure, childproofing is must for every household with young kids and curious toddlers. Here are some things that you will need to make your home safe enough for your child:
Introducing Babies & Pets
Pets at homes are used to have everybody�s attention, love and care until the babies arrive. Then, the baby has all the attention and they have to vie for their share. This may make the pet feel threatened, lonely and even jealous. The pets are known to have attacked babies in the past as they mistook him for a game or injure them accidentally while trying to play with the babies

Back-to-Work Baby Anxiety
Moms, who used to work before their delivery, often find it a challenge to get back to their work, leaving their little child at home. Both mothers and babies often suffer from separation anxiety at this stage. Babies become overly attached to their mother and cling to them all the time, when they are at home, afraid to let them go. This make many moms feel guilty. Actually, babies start associating with the patterns and their daily routines as soon as they are born.

Buy & Not to Buy for Newborns
Soon-to-be parents and new parents are the most susceptible dupes when it comes to buy what is best for their child. They get very emotional while shopping and often end up spending a fat bundle of bucks on things and those who are having firstborns may buy things such as baby clothes, furniture, toys and nursery decor items that they or their baby never use.

Selecting Crèche For Children
All working moms have struggled with the dilemma of having to leave the child behind and go to work. While family support is of course the best option where you know that you can hire the maid and your child will be looked after well at the home. However, with the nuclear family system of today, it is becoming more and more difficult to find a family member who can stay at home for the child.

First Birthday Celebration
Baby�s first birthday is of course an important event in his or her life. But the children are still not old enough to appreciate all the expenses, decorations, food, party favors and hard work that their parents put into it. However, a baby album without the photographs of baby�s first birthday bash may leave the child feel neglected when he or she grows up. So, here are some frugal money saver ideas

Shape Sorter Toys for Toddlers
Toy is an object that used for playing purposes and is usually associated with children. Toys, in particular, and playing, in general, are considered to be important aspects of the growing up of a child, which also help him/her learn about the world around him/her. A toy also serves multiple purposes. Children use toys and games to discover their identity. At the same time, they help children's bodies grow strong

Smart Rewards for Babies
Bribery is perhaps the best way to get the child to do or not to do something. No amount of lecturing and explaining will get your child to behave properly and not be naughty than the prospect of getting a handful of candies at the end of the day. Yet, though you may exalt at your temporary triumph, this sort of temptations and treats can actually ruin your child�s morals. Children are quick learners

Using Sunscreen in Infants
Covering an infant's exposed body parts with sunscreen, when talking him/her outdoors, is a subject that has been subject to different views by people. Till sometime back, it was suggested to completely abstain from using it on infants less than six months of age. However, the opinion is now changing a bit. If your baby is under six months of age, it is advisable to use sunscreen only on the small areas of his/her body.