Surya is the chief solar deity of the Hindu
Religion. Lord Surya, the sun god, is the only visible god which one
can see every day.
Mula Mantra : |
Om Suryaye Namah |
Surya Gayatri Mantra: |
Aum Bhaskaraye Vidmahe
Divakraraye Dheemahi
Tanno Suryah Prachodayat |

As per the Hindu Religion, Surya symbolizes the Sun God. Surya is
considered as the only visible form of God that can be seen every day.
God Surya is regarded as an aspect of Shiva and Vishnu by Shaivites and
Vaishnavas respectively. Surya is also known as Surya Narayana. Surya,
the Sun God is also acknowledged as one of the eight forms of Lord Shiva
(Astamurti). Surya is the lord of excellence and wisdom.
Surya - The Image
The celestial body, Surya (the sun) is visible in the sky. Still
according to the Hindu beliefs, Surya is depicted as a red man with
three eyes and four arms, riding in a one wheeled chariot pulled by
seven horses.
Surya - The God of Light
Surya forms the major god of the Navgraha (nine planets).Surya is the
God of light as per the Vedic texts. Surya is the literal source of
life. According to the scientific fact, the whole universe is based on
the process of photosynthesis which takes place due to the presence of
Surya (the sun).
God Surya - The worship
It is believed that Surya has been worshipped since ages to receive the
kind blessings of God. A simple namaskaar (folding hands) to the lord
makes him happy. Offering water to the God is too considered to receive
the mercy. Surya is believed to be a generous deity capable of curing
sick people, in India. It is also proved in Science that sunlight is a
rich source of Vitamin-D. Surya is usually remembered for the brilliance
and light in one's life.
Surya - The Gayatri Mantra
The Gayatri Mantra of the Hindu Religion is also associated with the
Sun God, Surya. Aditya Hridayam is another hymn associated with Surya,
recited by the sage Agatsya to Rama on the battlefield before the fight
with Ravana.
Symbol of Surya is also regarded as one of the auspicious signs of the
Hindu religion. People place the sign of the Sun over main doors as they
think it would bring them good luck.