This article tells about Cancer-Sagittarius
relationship compatibility. Check out love match of Sagittarius &
Cancer zodiac signs.
Cancer Sagittarius Compatibility
The zodiac signs of Cancer and Sagittarius have a
number of personality differences. The Archer is not so attached to his
family and home as the Crab and this may be one of the basic reasons for
the clashes between the two. The former wants to go out and explore the
world, while the latter wants to stay home and enjoy family life.
Sagittarius needs lots of freedom and Cancer needs lots of stability and
security, making this love match a difficult one. The detached feelings
of the Archer are completely opposite to the deep, intense emotions of
the Crab.
The latter may not to be able to understand his philosophy towards life,
since he himself is attached to all those people and things that are
close to him. Though these differences seem clashing, they can also
complement each other, provided both the individuals make efforts in
this direction, accept their faults and appreciate the other person's
qualities. The independence of a Sagittarian may make a Cancerian feel
insecure and the excessive attachment of the latter may make the former
feel smothered. The forthright speech of the Archer will further this
couple's relationship compatibility.
Cancer Man and Sagittarius Woman
This love match has chances of working, but both the individuals need
to make the right efforts for the same. She will have to learn to be a
little responsible in life and even start loving his family and his
home. On the other hand, he will have to be a little adventurous and at
times, throw caution to the wind. He wants attachment and she wants
independence and freedom. His suspicious nature will need to be
controlled, even when he gets many chances to indulge in it. Though it
is not one of the easy matches, it is still workable if one is
determined to do so.
Cancer Woman and Sagittarius Man
In case of Cancer woman and Sagittarius man, the chances of success
diminish much further. Though, in the initial stages, she may feel
attracted to his outgoing and adventurous personality, but with time,
too much of all this will start getting on her nerves. Even her need of
feeling protected may not be met, since he doesn't like to be pinned
down and may be too busy exploring new things in life. He is also
flirtatious by nature and this will make her more insecure. Though the
sparks will fly in this love match too, you cannot be sure whether they
will be of romance or fights.