Given here is information on the love match of
Gemini & Virgo. Explore the relationship compatibility of Virgo &
Gemini signs.
Gemini Virgo Compatibility
Gemini individuals are quite intelligent, rational,
practical, and see the world just as it is. One can find all these
traits in Virgo sun sign too. There will be a good rapport between both
the individuals, especially at the intellectual level. Both of them love
to talk and will find their conversations pretty interesting. However,
the banter of a Virgo is much more purposeful than that of a Gemini.
Along with that, the latter one is too much experimental, doing odd
things just for the sake of experiencing it. The former, on the other
hand, is quite cautious and careful.
Both the individuals have a realistic attitude towards and are not prone
to emotional outbursts. They also share a negative trait - not being
able to express their feelings easily. This may lead to some
misunderstandings in the relationship, resulting in compatibility
problems. Virgo can definitely bring some sort of stability to the
nature of a Gemini, who in turn can teach him some passion. If Gemini
learns to brush off the criticism of the Virgo and the latter learns to
respect the freedom to the former, this love match can definitely work.
Gemini Man and Virgo Woman
A Gemini man usually feel attracted to a Virgo woman at the first
sight. This relationship can even have a blissfully comfortable start.
But, long term stability is a different issue altogether. They may share
soul-satisfying conversations, but will find it a little difficult to be
each other's soul mates. He is a born-flirt and this brings out her
much-suppressed jealous side. He may become too annoyed with her
constant criticism and constant advice as to how he should lead his
life. The best part of this love match is that both of them will
understand each other too well and are most likely to feel the same
things at the same time.
Gemini Woman and Virgo Man
A Gemini woman and a Virgo man will understand each other's needs as
well as feelings quite well. Infact, most of the time, they will share
feelings and thoughts, especially about the outside world. However, as
far as their personal lives are concerned, they have more clashing, than
compatible, traits. The best way to keep the fire alive in this
relationship is to be honest with each other and respect the other
person's opinions. At the same time, they will have to find ways to
neutralize his critical nature and her tactlessness.