The relationship compatibility of two Leo
individuals can go either way. Read about love match between two Leo
zodiac signs.
Leo Leo Compatibility
A Leo individual is not at all hard to miss. He will
be one of the most vivacious and energetic person in a group, who is
probably getting most of the attention. At the same time, he is also
proud of the attention he gets and may become self-centered. The Lion,
though a little 'show-off', is very warm at heart. The problem in the
compatibility between two Lions will be that neither will be ready to
take the backstage. Both of them want to be the center of attention all
the time and both of them want to dominate in the relationship.
However, this isn't possible and one of them has to back off. Whether
they manage to do this or not will decide the future of this love match.
They will have to cooperate with one another and rule by turns. The
result of this relationship can be either of the two extremes, blissful
and pleasing or bitter and devastating. There is no mid way for two
Leos, smitten by love. Two lions either hate each other fiercely or
adore each other possessively. They will have to learn to respect each
other and value the other person's viewpoints and opinions.
Both of them feel that a relationship is based on trust, honesty and
loyalty and if either of them forgets this, wide cracks will appear in
this zodiac match. They will have to stop competing against each other
and complement each other in each and every area. Though this is
difficult, it is not totally impossible. Lack of understanding can also
make this relationship go sour. The strong will and determination of the
two Lions may have both positive as well as negative effects on their
On one hand, it can help them to conquer the entire world and make it
fall on their feet. On the other hand, it can lead to great rifts
between the two, especially when both of them want to lead and neither
is ready to play the second fiddle. On the emotional level, Leos are
perfectly compatible. Both of them are very passionate, extremely
romantic and full of care and concern for their love ones. Even in the
loyalty area, there will no problem as both the individuals are very
sincere in love and not at all prone to wandering.