Read about world stock exchanges.
The world has become a global village, today. With
the age of innovation, in each and every field of technology, people are
no longer restricted by the distance factor. In fact, we live in a world
where quick and instant means of communication as well as connectivity
are the order of the day. One of the greatest examples of this is the
ever increasing international trade between countries. Every country is
looking forward to shed off its trade barriers and build a common forum
for the growth and development of people, at large. Share markets are
the biggest paradigms of the global market.
In the present times, the rise and fall of indices across the
international stock exchanges do not just indicate the price value of a
specific company or an organization, but also indicate the scenario
prevailing in the global economy, as a whole. With more and more
companies trying to list themselves in the international stock markets,
such as NASDAQ, NYSE, FTSE, DJIA and Hang Seng, it becomes vital to have
knowledge about global market.
The information given in this web site regarding world markets is not
exhaustive and we will update it from time to time.
Dow Jones
Dow Jones & Company was founded by Edward Davis Jones, Charles
Henry Dow and Charles Milford Bergstresser, in the year 1882, with the
aim of providing the world's most vital business and financial news and
information. It was started in a small basement office, at 15 Wall
Street, New York.
National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations, more
popularly known as The NASDAQ, is the name of the American stock
exchange. Credited for being the largest electronic screen-based equity
securities trading market in the United States today, it was founded in
the year 1971, by National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD).