Here is a brief profile and biography of Sabeer
Bhatia. Read about information on Sabir Bhatia, co-founder of Hotmail.
Sabeer Bhatia Profile

Born: 1969
Achievements: One of the co-founders of Hotmail; Named by TIME
as one of the "People to Watch" in International Business
Sabeer Bhatia is one of the poster boys of Indian success story at
Silicon Valley. He is better known as the man who co-founded Hotmail. He
later sold it to Microsoft for $400 million and today Hotmail is the
world's largest e-mail provider, with over 50 million registered users.
Sabeer Bhatia was born in 1969 at Chandigarh. He comes from a humble
background. His father was an army officer and his mother worked with
the Central Bank of India. Sabeer Bhatia had his earlier schooling at
Bishop Cotton's School in Pune and later on at St Joseph's College in
Bangalore. After passing out from school he joined the Birla Institute
of Technology (BITS) at Pilani. At Pilani, he qualified to try for a
transfer scholarship at Cal Tech, considered to be the world's most
competitive scholarship. Sabeer Bhatia was the only applicant in the
entire world in 1988 to get a passing score of 62.
In 1988 Sabeer Bhatia came to America and completed his B.Sc. with honours
and earned a master's degree in electrical engineering from Stanford
University. In 1992, while working on his Ph.D., Sabeer dropped out and
joined Apple Computers as a systems integrator. He worked for Apple
Computer for a year. Then he worked for another startup, Firepower
Systems Inc. In 1995, Sabir Bhatia co-founded Hotmail Corporation along
with Jack Smith, a colleague at Apple Computers. They launched
pioneering web-based e-mail service Hotmail. At the end of 1997, he sold
Hotmail to Microsoft for $400 million. Sabeer Bhatia t worked for
Microsoft for a year until March of 1999, and then in the middle of 1999
he founded was supposed to be a real-time marketplace for technology
related solutions and support. It was envisaged as a platform that would
enable engineers, developers and scientists from around the world to
monetise their expertise on the one hand, and enable corporations to
improve the productivity of their employees on the other. Sabeer
Bhatia's vision was to make, the world's largest human network
of intellectual capital. But failed with the burst of dot-com
bubble. In 2006 Sabeer Bhatia relaunched Arzoo as a travel portal.
Sabeer Bhatia has also started a new venture called BlogEverywhere with
co-founders Shiraz Kanga and Viraf Zack.
Sabeer Bhatia has won several honors and awards. These include: "Entrepreneur
of the Year," award by the venture capital firm Draper Fisher
Jurvetson (1997); and "TR100" award, presented by MIT to 100
young innovators who are expected to have the greatest impact on
technology in the next few years. He was named by TIME as one of the "People
to Watch" in International Business (2002)