Here is a brief profile and biography of Vinod
Khosla. Read about information on Vinod Khosla of Sun Microsystems.
Vinod Khosla Profile

Achievement: One of the co-founders of Sun Microsystems.
Vinod Khosla is an epitome of Indian success story at Silicon Valley.
He is a venture capitalist and is better known as one of the co-founders
of Sun Microsystems.
Vinod Khosla came from an ordinary middle class background. His father
was in army. At the age of 16, Vinod Khosla read about the founding of
Intel. This motivated him to nurture dreams of starting his own
technology company. At the age of 20, after graduating in Electrical
Engineering from IIT Delhi, Vinod Khosla started a soy milk company to
cater to those people in India who did not have refrigerators. But his
venture failed.
Vinod Khosla went to the US and did his Masters in Biomedical Engineering from
Carnegie-Mellon University. His entrepreneurial ambitions attracted him
to Silicon Valley and subsequently he did his MBA from Stanford
University in 1980.
After graduating from Stanford, Vinod Khosla founded Daisy Systems with
two other founders. Daisy Systems was the first significant computer
aided design system for electrical engineers. The company went on to
make huge profits but driven by the frustration of having to design the
computer hardware on which the Daisy software needed to be built, Vinod
Khosla left the company.
In Vinod Khosla, started the standards based Sun Microsystems in 1982
to build workstations for software developers. Sun was funded by his
long time friend and board member John Doerr of Kleiner Perkins Caufield
& Byers. At Sun Microsystems, Vinod Khosla pioneered "open
systems" and RISC processors. He left Sun Microsystems in 1985 and
joined Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers (KPCB) in 1986, where he
continues to be a general partner of KPCB funds through KP X.
Vinod Khosla also challenged Intel's monopoly by developing Nexgen/AMD.
He also conceptualized the idea and business plan for Juniper to take on
Cisco's dominance of the router market. Vinod Khosla is also one of the
founding fathers of The Indus Entrepreneur (TiE), a not-for-profit
global network of entrepreneurs and professionals founded in 1992. In
2004, he formed khoslaventures to fund knowledgeable entrepreneurs in
their new "social impact" ventures.
Vinod Khosla has a keen interest in nascent technologies that can have
a beneficial effect and economic impact on society. Presently, he is
looking into practicality of the use of ethanol as a gasoline