Read about health conditions of babies, tips for
keeping babies healthy and baby's health assessment.
There are a whole lot of responsibilities that come
up with motherhood. The journey of a female, from being just a woman to
a mother, brings in a lot of changes. A mother's own life takes a
backseat, as all the attention is diverted for the well-being of the
child. Right from the time the baby wakes up in the morning to the time
he/she sleep and even during his/her sleep, a mother is always alert and
conscious. Mother is the first one, who knows when her child is happy or
unhappy. She is also the first one to know that the baby is a little
dull on one day or unusually fussy on the other.
Handling a 24X7 job, mothers are not paid for being caring or showing
their concern. Instead, the tiniest details of the baby, such as how
he/she rubs his/her head and nose with tiny hands, how he/she falls
asleep in just two seconds - when in mother's arms and how the child
looks directly in the eyes of his/her mother and trusts her completely,
are reasons enough for every mother to be happy. When it comes to the
health issue of a baby, mothers are the most concerned. Be it, a slight
fever or time for vaccination or even a change in the stool, she knows
it all. There are various other problems and diseases in a baby that
warrant mother's attention. Early intervention, in certain cases, can be
very handy and also may help your child to live a better life.
Health Assessment
Schedule for Babies
There was a time when the term 'vaccination' was not even heard of and the proportion of babies dying in infancy was very high. However, with the development of vaccines, the scenario has improved to quite an extent. Now-a-days, there are so many diseases that parents can protect their child from, by giving them the right vaccination, at the right time. Ever year, at the very start, American Academy Of Pediatrics (AAP) brings out the revised schedule of immunization for babies.
Fever in the First Month
Fever could be a sign of serious infection in newborn babies and young infants three months of age or under. In case you notice a temperature even just slightly above the normal range -38°C (101°F) taken rectally or 37.5°C (99.5°F) taken under the armpit - get your infant to the doctor at the earliest. If the newborn baby has got a fever associated with infection, it is a cause for concern as young infants get sick very fast.
Food Allergies in Babies
Food allergy in babies may make the baby break out in rashes or cry inconsolably after trying a food. Babies may have vomiting or diarrhea due to food allergies. Most common allergies in kids less than 5 years old are to milk, eggs and peanuts. It may take a few times, before the baby gets sensitized to a certain allergen and so crying inconsolably is one of the first signs, accompanied by other symptoms that should warn the parents in time.
Identifying Colic in Newborns
Before identifying colic condition in newborns, first understand what exactly colic is. Colic is a condition that affects infants; baby keeps on crying for long hours in this condition. Usually this crying session goes on for more than three hours a day throughout a week. Though it is a harmless behavior, parents and other family members generally get disturbed due to distressed sleep.
Taking Temperature in Babies
Taking temperature in a baby is not as easy as taking temperature of an adult. Babies may not allow thermometers in their mouth and even if they do, it will be difficult to make them keep it still under their tongues for full two minutes, as infants do not have full muscle control to do so! They will try to chew on the glass using their jaws