
Know how to handle fever in newborns, in the first month or in 1-month-old babies.

Fever In Newborn Babies

Fever could be a sign of serious infection in newborn babies and young infants three months of age or under. In case you notice a temperature even just slightly above the normal range -38°C (101°F) taken rectally or 37.5°C (99.5°F) taken under the armpit - get your infant to the doctor at the earliest. If the newborn baby has got a fever associated with infection, it is a cause for concern as young infants get sick very fast. Babies also respond very fast to treatment, if the infection is caught in time. So, it's important to bring the child to the doctor without wasting any time. In case the doctor suspects that a newborn baby has an infection, he can start antibiotic treatment at once.

Symptoms of Infant Fever
Moreover, in case you observe any of the following symptoms, take your new-born to the doctor.
What Causes Fever In Newborn Babies?
Fever is an indication that the baby's body is fighting against an infection. Bacteria and viruses usually thrive about normal body temperature. With fever, the body temperature is high, making it harder for bacteria and viruses to survive. Fever also triggers the immune system and sets the infection-fighting white blood cells into action. Fever is generally related with common illnesses like cold, sore throat, or ear infections; however, it can be a sign of something more serious at times.

How To Treat Infant Fever?