
Know about identifying colic condition in newborns, handling colicky babies and how to deal with colic in a baby.

Identifying Colic Condition in Newborns

Before identifying colic condition in newborns, first understand what exactly colic is. Colic is a condition that affects infants; baby keeps on crying for long hours in this condition. Usually this crying session goes on for more than three hours a day throughout a week. Though it is a harmless behavior, parents and other family members generally get disturbed due to distressed sleep. Even a well-fed baby can keep on crying. Both infant girls and boys are equally affected by this condition. Out of 100, almost 20% new-borns get affected by colic.

Causes and Symptoms of Baby Colic
Colicky condition typically starts between the 3rd and 6th week after delivery; it may persist till the baby is three months old. In case baby colic continues for more than the mentioned period, it can be some other health problem. However, there is no evident cause behind this condition. Some of the conventional reasons are change of place, stomach ache, sensitive to some food, etc. Colic is also ascribed to abdominal pain owing to trapped gas in the digestive tract. Some common symptoms of colicky baby are crying, refusal to eat, fussy and moody behavior, lack of energy, uncomfortable pain, required to be cuddled all time and at times, vomiting.

How to Deal with Infant Colic
Here are given some measures to stop this condition:
Home Remedies for Colicky Babies