
Know about motor development in babies' first year and kids than 1 year old and motor skills in babies and infants.

Motor Development in Babies

Motor development in babies generally starts from head to toe and the time in which a baby learns to control his muscles may differ. However, keeping an eye on the behavior of the baby and his activities will help you decide whether your baby is showing the symptoms of delayed development or autism and get the help of your pediatrician in time. Here is a general idea of how babies generally learn to gain more and more control over their movements during their first year:
Tips for Bathing Babies
Babies who do have yet not started to crawl can be bathed just twice a week and just be sponge bathed in the groin area and in the fold of fat in the neck. However, once they start drooling, it becomes necessary to wipe their chins frequently. Children who start crawling and walking need daily baths

Handling Crib Climbers
Is your toddler always on the look out of escaping from the crib? Around 18 to 24 months of age, most toddlers develop enough physical skills to enable them to climb. While some use their stuffed animals or pillows to climb out their climbers, there are others who would climb out of the crib, without the help of the toys.

Baby Grasping & Grabbing
Grasping is a reflex action in newborns. The newborns wrap their tiny fingers around anything that comes in or put in their hands. By the time, they are two months old, this reflex action begins to disappear and that baby's fists, which used to be always clenched up together, start opening up.

Learning to Swim for Kids
Swimming is the best and healthiest form of exercise for kids and adults alike as it tones muscles, relaxes the mind and exercises joints. Even newborns are natural lovers of water as they keep floating around in mother�s womb for nine months. Here are some tips to develop the taste for swimming in your baby and make him learn it:

Music Stimulate Health & Growth in Kids
Researches and studies have proved that music can help in cognitive development of children and even make them healthier. Music therapy is increasingly becoming popular among kids and therapists believe that certain tones, rhythms and vibrations can actually help treat various medical and behavioral problems in babies and adults alike.

Solving Baby Brainteasers
Every parent has gone through the phase of wondering and exalting at the little milestones crossed by their children. It seems a wonder how that little one learnt to smile, grab for his/her bottle or favorite toy, learnt to turn on his or her side, crawl and do so many things that he/she had never done before.