A number of symbols are used in healing
therapies of Reiki. Read further to know the power symbols for
Reiki Symbols
While practicing Reiki, there are many esoteric
symbols which can be used. Each symbol is believed to have power that
actually enhances the flow of energy. Every Reiki practitioner doesn't
follow all these practices and majority of practitioners don't even
invoke symbols. Whatever be the rationale, Reiki symbols take one to the
higher levels of consciousness and manifestation. These symbols are
shown to the student before being attuned. During the attunement, an
imprint of the symbol is given to him by the master.
These symbols are empowered in order that they can fulfill their
anticipated purpose. This process of empowerment has been made by a
sacred agreement between the creator and people, who have been attuned.
Having their own consciousness, Reiki symbols can be meditated upon and
one can obtain direction about how to use them. These symbols don't work
for the people, except for the ones who are attuned. Scroll further to
know about important healing symbols of Reiki.
Often called 'the Power Symbol', ChoKuRei is believed to augment the
energy considerably. 'Cho Ku Rei' literally suggests "put all the
power of the Universe here". It is used to increase power, or aptly
focus on Reiki. The symbol is used at first to boost the power of Reiki
and in the end, to stop the healing powers. ChoKuRei can also be
employed to cleanse and protect people or things on all levels.
Frequently called 'the Mental-Emotional Symbol', SeiHiKi assists in
healing the mental-emotional imbalance. 'God and Humanity becomes one'
is the literal meaning of 'Sei He Ki'. It is used for balancing mental
and emotional state, protection, purification & for bringing harmony
and peace. This mental-emotional symbol enhances the memory and balances
the right and the left brains.
HonShaZeShoNen, commonly called 'Distance Symbol' is used to channel
Reiki energy across time and distance. An aggregate of five Japanese
kanji, 'Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen' exactly means source, person, right, correct
and thought. It is also a Buddhist chant that means 'right consciousness
is the source of everything'. HonShaZeShoNen can be used to send Reiki
vibrations in the past or future, in other room or country, without any
barrier. It can heal the past experiences and can get stored up for the
DaiKoMyo is usually called 'the Attunement Symbol' or 'the Master
Symbol'. In the initial stages, it is used to instigate a student to
different preliminary degrees of Reiki. Since 'Dai Ko Myo' is the
quintessence of 'the Light of the Buddha' or 'the Light of the Awakened
Heart', it denotes the lengthened knowledge and clairvoyance. At the
higher level of practicing, the symbol is employed by the masters to
heal the soul.