Reiki training has been classified into three levels. Get more information on different levels/ degrees in Reiki.

Reiki Levels

Initially, Reiki training was divided into three (3) levels. Dr. Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, spread his knowledge about the holistic healing in Japan. And ever since, Reiki has sought no bounds and it has spread like fire throughout the world. Among Reiki Masters, the Reiki classification into levels is a continuous topic of discussion. However, the people in different parts of the world follow their own set of classification. Reiki practitioners also claim that they have improved the pattern of training by their own classification levels. Seeing that originally there were three levels of Reiki training, here is given elucidation on each one of them.

Reiki for Beginners
Level 1 or First Degree of Reiki offers the beginners a chance to receive Reiki energy for life. Each learner gets four initiations within a span of two days or three nights. Beginner's level or First Degree Reiki is the most important level, since the learner is initiated to Reiki energy for life.

Advanced Reiki
Those who have completed the first level of Reiki and aspire to learn more about this practice of holistic healing should explore the Advanced Level or 2nd level or Second Degree Reiki. The training of Advanced Reiki includes additional healing and meditation techniques.

Reiki Master Level
As per the traditions, the Second Degree of Reiki is sufficient for the practitioner who doesn't want to become a Reiki Master. The Third degree or Level 3 is essentially meant for practitioners who aspire to be Masters and teach Reiki. Many a times, it has been observed that after taking second degree and spending time, efforts and money.