

Here is some information about the different types of dietary fiber. Read about soluble and insoluble fiber.

Types of Dietary Fiber

Fibers are long, thread like structures that are present in fruits, vegetables and grains. Also known as �roughage�, fibers are an essential nutrient for good health and are helpful when you are practicing preventive health care. Though indigestible, they have proven to be extremely useful in case of maintaining bowel regularity, preventing constipation and other bowel abnormalities. Other benefits of fibers include lower cholesterol, reduced risk of heart diseases and managing chronic diarrhea. Proper intake of fibrous food promises a reduced transit time and results in a more thorough evacuation of waste materials. The average recommended fiber intake per day ranges from 25 to 40 grams for adults. Talking about the types of fiber, there are basically two types, depending on its solubility - water-soluble and insoluble. Go through this article below and understand the different plant-based foods and other foods that are rich in fiber and the benefits of a high-fiber diet. Keep reading.

Soluble And Insoluble Fiber
To learn more about soluble and insoluble fiber sources and fiber content, refer to the table below.

Item Total (in grams) Soluble fiber(grams) Insoluble fiber(grams)
Brown rice 1.7(half cup) 0.1 1.6
Barley 4.2(half cup) 0.9 3.3
Millet 3.3(half cup) 0.6 2.7
Multigrain bread 1.8(1 slice) 0.3 1.5
Apple 5.7 (1 apple) 1.5 4.2
Orange 4.4(1orange) 2.6 1.8
Figs 5.3(3figs) 2.3 3.0
Chickpeas 6.2(half cup) 1.3 4.9
Kidney beans 5.8(half cup) 2.9 2.9
Navy beans 5.8(half cup) 2.2 3.6
Pinto beans 7.4(half cup) 1.9 5.5
Northern beans 5.6(half cup) 1.4 4.2
Soybeans 5.1(half cup) 2.3 2.8
Tofu 1.4(half cup) 0.9 0.6
Raisin bran cereal 8.4(one cup) 1.2 7.2
Oatmeal 3.8(one cup) 1.8 2.0
Turnip 4.8(half cup) 1.7 3.1
Bran 8.6 (half cup) 1.4 7.2
flaxseed 3.3 (one tbsp.) 1.1 2.2

Dietary Fiber Types

Soluble Fiber
The chief characteristic of this type of fiber is its �dissolvability�. Soluble fiber effectively dissolves in water. Mainly comprised of pectin, gums and mucilage�s, such fibers, reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood and cut down the risk of heart and artery disease and atherosclerosis. Apart from this, it helps in weight control reducing the risk of obesity, stabilizing blood sugar and lowering blood sugar levels. Some of the foods rich in water-soluble fiber are oat bran, legumes, psyllium, nuts, beans, apples, oranges, carrots, strawberries, citrus fruits, soy beans, apricots, dates, raisins, flax seed and beets.

Benefits Of Soluble Fiber
Insoluble Fiber
Just as the name suggests, insoluble fiber cannot be dissolved in water. The most significant function of insoluble fiber is collection of water that increases stool bulk in the large intestine. Apart from preventing constipation and hemorrhoids, it also reduces the risk of colon cancer, by speeding the passage of food through the digestive tract. The rich sources of insoluble fibers are vegetables such as green beans and dark green leafy vegetables, fruit skins and root vegetable skins, whole-wheat products, wheat oat, corn bran and nuts.

Benefits Of Insoluble Fiber
A healthy diet should contain 75 percent of insoluble fiber and 25 percent of soluble fiber. Many foods like oats, psyllium husk, bran and flaxseed provide both sources of fiber. To meet the prescribed fiber requirements include five servings of fruits and vegetables and four servings if whole grains in your daily diet.