Coconut milk is a milky white sweet liquid that is obtained from the flesh of a mature coconut. Check out nutrition and health benefits of coconut milk.
Coconut Milk Nutrition
Most people are under the impression that coconut milk is nothing but the watery liquid found in coconuts. Infact, coconut milk is actually a milky white sweet liquid that is obtained from the flesh of a mature coconut. There are two types of milk that are derived from coconuts, namely thick and thin. The fleshy part of the coconut is soaked in warm water and is blended or squeezed for thin coconut milk. As far as the coconut milk use is concerned, thick milk is used for preparing yummy mouthwatering desserts and sauces. Whereas thin coconut milk is used in the preparation of soups. Coconut milk finds a special place in many tropical cuisines, especially Thai, Singaporean, Indian and Malaysian. It acts as the perfect source of a wide range of vitamins, minerals, potassium, folate and other vital nutrients. Talking about the coconut milk calorie, a cup of canned coconut milk contains 445 calories, whereas frozen milk contains 485 calories. Raw coconut milk contains the maximum number of calories, which is approximately 552 calories. Coconut milk is available in the market in different styles of packaging including cans and tetra packs. If you would like to learn more about coconut milk nutrition, scroll further.
Calories, Protein & Fat
One cup of coconut milk, which is approximately 240 grams of sweet, white liquid, contains approximately 550 calories, out of which 450 of those calories comes from the fat present in the fruit. The extremely high calorie levels and the high level of fat makes coconut milk, be it regular or skimmed, appropriate only for occasional indulgence. Coconut milk also contains 600 mg of essential fatty acids including omega-6. Coconut milk contains around 5 grams of protein, which is 11% of the recommended daily intake.
Carbohydrates & Micronutrients
Coconut milk contains 13 grams of carbohydrates, out of which 5 grams is fiber. This accounts to 21 percent of the daily recommended intake of fiber. Coconut milk is also high in iron, with 22 percent of the recommended daily allowance. It also has 110 percent of the daily recommendation of manganese. It is also high in magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, Vitamin C, folate, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, calcium and niacin.
Health Benefits of Cocunut Milk
- Coconut milk is a crucial part of plant-based diet and apart from serving various purposes in the kitchen; it also has a number of health benefits. Coconut milk is extremely beneficial for your heart’s health. It helps keep blood sugar in check and also helps control weight.
- Since coconut milk make a person feel full, it is beneficial for people who are trying to lose weight quickly. This is because, if a person feels full, they tend to eat less.
- Apart from weight management, coconut milk is also a great remedy for those suffering from arthritis and joint pains. The calcium present in the milk is a great substitute for cow’s milk and is especially beneficial in order to treat joint pains.
- Coconut milk has a variety of beauty benefits. If you are looking for a quick and natural method to get flawless, supple skin, then coconut milk is a great option! It moisturizes your skin and nourishes it from within, making you look radiant and beautiful.
Arguments Against Coconut Milk
There are a number of arguments pertaining to coconut milk and other coconut-based products and whether they are healthy or unhealthy additions to the diet. The discussion mainly revolves around the kinds of fats in coconut milk. On one side, the high level of saturated fat makes coconut milk seem like something that should be struck of the grocery list. However, supporters of coconut milk maintain that the type of saturated fat in coconut is different from the other saturated fats from other foods. Coconut milk contains lauric acid, a fatty acid, which is quite different from the saturated fat found in meat. This can be compared to the saturated fat found in human breast milk.
Coconut milk is one of the many different variations of coconut-based products. Whether ingested or applied directly to the skin, coconut milk contains a number of nutrients that can prove to be quite valuable for the human body.