Here is given information about grounding
process in Reiki. Get more information on protection and shielding
in Reiki.
Reiki Grounding
It is said and believed that Reiki can never harm
anyone. This is absolutely true because Reiki seeks to cure problems,
not create them. But then, you do need grounding, in other terms,
protection in Reiki. It is important not only for the recipient but also
for the practitioner - the person who is using energy to heal others.
While doing Reiki, it is necessary to be grounded, given that when the
practitioner gives a treatment, he becomes prone to the energy field of
the patient. To avoid this, the practitioner is required to shield
himself. In this manner, he can protect and prevent his body from
getting the problems of the recipient.
Both the practitioner and the patient are prevented from each other's
unwanted energy by Grounding or Shielding. The shield made by this
process is permeable, which lets the healing energy pass through it.
Thus, it doesn't affect the healing process and it can be continued
without any problem. The grounding works like a sieve, as it simply
removes the unnecessary energy. After every treatment, the Reiki
practitioner 'seals' the recipient's aura and asks the Almighty to
remove the 'footprints' from aura of both the recipient and himself.
Then, he asks the Almighty to convert the 'footprints' into positive
energy or send them to where they belong.
Whenever a practitioner finds his energy system vulnerable, he always
grounds and shields himself. If a practitioner wants to ground or shield
himself, he needs to imagine that his developed roots, growing out of
base chakra, are rooted deep into the earth. He should allow his
awareness to descend to the ground with the roots till he feels
physically heavier. And then, he must feel as if he is rooted down the
earth. At this point of time, if he feels like releasing his negative
energy, he can do it with his roots and the earth will convert it into
positive energy. In case he requires extra energy, he can obtain it from
the earth.
While doing this, he should take the energy through the roots and
envision the energy surfacing from the crown chakra and showering back
again. During the whole process, the practitioner's consciousness should
be grounded in the earth, even at the time he is imagining energy is
going up in his body. After doing the treatment, he must close his
chakras, since he might be prone to negative energy with open chakras.
He should imagine that chakras are closing, using any imagery. Now, he
must cross his arms across the chest and assure himself that his
boundaries are tough.
Following the below given physical activities can also help the
practitioner to ground and shield himself.
- Tapping the crown of head
- Tapping the soles of feet
- Putting head to the ground
- Eating something
- Application of Reiki, by placing hands near ankles
- Application of Reiki to the Root Chakra, since this chakra
connects to the earth
- Walking barefoot