Other Names of Indian Red Panda Bear
Cat Bear, Bear Cat, Bright Panda, Common Panda, Fire Fox, Red Fox, Fox Bear, Himalayan Raccoon, Lesser Panda, Nigalya Ponya, Panda Chico, Panda Éclatant, Panda Rojo, Petit Panda, Poonya, Crimson Ngo, Red Cat, Sankam, Small Panda, Thokya, Wah, Wokdonka, Woker and Ye.
Physical Traits

Common pandas of India are basically nocturnal creatures, which are found resting in tree branches and hollows during the day. They are solitary creatures and you will seldom find them roaming around in groups. Except for some twittering and whistling sounds, Red pandas hardly communicate with each other. In case of any threat, they either hurry into an inaccessible rock column or a tree or attack with their razor-sharp claws.
Natural Habitat
Red panda is usually found in mountainous regions of India, at an altitude of more than 1800 m. They are very sensitive to heat and cannot tolerate temperatures over 25 deg C. Red Pandas are native to southeastern Asia, Himalayan Mountains in Nepal, southern Tibet, China, Bhutan, northeast India, highlands of Myanmar, Gongshan Mountains of Yunnan China and Hengduan Mountains of Sichuan China.
The diet of Indian red fox bear mainly (2/3rd) consists of bamboo. The reason for this is that a panda cannot digest cellulose. The other constituents of its diet include berries, fruit, mushrooms, roots, acorns, lichen, grasses, young birds, eggs, small rodents and insects. When they are in captivity, red pandas willingly eat meat also. The diet of a red panda contains a very small amount of calories and because of this reason; the animal rarely does anything other than sleeping and eating.
Mating Behavior
Red pandas of India attain maturity only at the age of 2 to 3 years. Their mating period stretches on from the end of December to the middle of February. The gestation period lasts for 112 to 158 days, after which the female gives birth to, between one and four, young ones. Usually the young ones are born during the period starting at the end of May and lasting upto the beginning of July. Even the timing of birth of all the young ones is more or less the same, between 4:00 pm and 9:00 am. The nest of an Indian red panda bear is generally located in a hollow tree or a rock column. Only five months after their birth do the young ones become totally independent. As the next mating season approaches, the mothers abandon their babies.
Indian Red panda bear is under great threat of extinction. The main reason for the declining population is the disintegration of its natural habitats, along with its specific diet needs. At the same time, Indian red fox animal is also hunted in large numbers for its highly valued fur and tail. In 1996, the IUCN declared the Common pandas as threatened species. However, now they have been put in the list of endangered species. The exact population of the Common panda is not known, but it is estimated to be less than 2500.