Nothing great can be said about Virgo-Libra
relationship compatibility. Know about the love match of Libra &
Virgo zodiac signs.
Virgo Libra Compatibility
The love match of a Virgo and a Libra may not work
out too smoothly. The main reason for this is that they have different
natures as well as different temperaments. A Libran loves socializing
with people, talking for hours at end and knowing about other people's
experiences. He never judges people and has no problem in accepting
their contrary viewpoints. A Virgo stands on the other extreme, where he
does not like socializing too much, is highly critical of the people
around him and cannot accept flawed opinion.
To a Virgo, a Libra may come across as indecisive and irresolute. The
latter may view the former as too stuffy and narrow-minded. But if they
make conscious efforts, they can easily turn the clashing traits into
balancing qualities. As far as the similarities between Virgo and Libra
zodiac signs is concerned, both seek some degree of perfection. At the
emotional level, this relationship may face compatibility problems.
However, since a Libran loves to achieve balance, it is possible that he
may escape the critical gaze of a Virgo.
Virgo Man and Libra Woman
The relationship of a Virgo man and a Libra woman does not have great
chances of success. One of the main reasons is that they have totally
different outlook towards life. He thinks from the head, while she
thinks from the heart. She is very loving and caring and expresses her
affection too. But, he is very reserved and most of the times, keeps his
emotions under control. Even his habit of expecting perfectionism is
bound to piss her off. Nonetheless, if she manages to overturn his
pessimism with her optimism, this zodiac match can definitely succeed.
Virgo Woman and Libra Man
There is no guarantee of compatibility in the love match of a Virgo
woman and a Libra man. Her practicality is most likely to clash with his
emotional approach towards everything in life. He is a little indecisive
too and that will bother her quite a lot. She is too negative about most
of the things, loves to worry and tries to find faults in almost
everything and this is going to drive him nuts. The only way to make
this relationship work is to accept each other's viewpoints, bend a
little and have lots of communication.