Here is provided a list of some famous Virgo
personalities. Get to know about famous Virgo celebrity.
Famous Virgo
There is no dearth of Virgo personalities in the list
of the most famous celebrities of the world. In each and every field of
life, you will find the critical Virgos making their presence felt. Read
on further to get a list of the famous Virgo celebrity:
- Arthur Godfrey Goethe
- D. H. Lawrence
- Elia Kazan
- Greta Garbo
- H. L. Mencken
- Henry Ford II
- Ingrid Bergman
- John Gunther
- Joseph Kennedy
- Lauren Bacall
- Leonard Bernstein
- Lyndon Johnson
- Maurice Chevalier
- Peter Sellers
- Prince Albert
- Queen Elizabeth I
- Robert Benchley
- Robert Taft
- Roy Wilkins
- Sid Caesar
- Sophia Loren
- Theodore Dreiser
- Walter Reuther
- William Howard Taft