Here are some exercises to shape and firm your
hips. Read about butt toning exercises.
Butt Toning Exercises
Nowadays people put many efforts to make themselves
look good in order to develop their self-confidence. Having out-of-shape
butts is a common problem, as people usually are dissatisfied with their
unshapely butts. Most of the people complain of having either too small
or too big butts. Especially women are more concerned about having butts
in shape, because flabby as well as flat butts make their expensive
dress look pathetic. This is mainly because fat deposits more on women's
butt as compared to other areas of the body.
However, the good news is, everybody can keep their butts in shape by
following Butt Toning Exercises. Better late than never, applies in this
case too. There is nothing to worry, because there are some exercises to
shape your hips and make your backside look attractive. However, the
whole process requires patience. There are a number of exercises
designed to give shape to your butts. If you perform these exercises
regularly, you will have perfectly toned butts in no time.
Squats - Squats is one of the most effective exercises for
butts, thighs, and hips. You require a chair for this exercise. Now
stand with your feet hips-to shoulder-width apart. Now squat while
keeping your back straight, abs tucked in and the knees behind the toes.
Lightly touch your butt to the chair and squeeze the butts to stand back
up and return to original position. Repeat this exercise for two to
three sets with a repetition of eight to twelve. For the exercise to be
more intense, you can perform it with weights.
Step Ups - Stand behind a 10-inch step. Keep the right foot on
the step, transfer the weight to the heel, and push into the heel to
come onto the step. Use the left leg only to balance; slowly step back
down and repeat all repetitions on the right leg before switching to the
left. Perform one to three sets of ten to sixteen reps. It works best
for glutes.
One-Legged Dead Lifts - This exercise is best for butts, lower
back and hamstrings. Move your left leg slightly backwards and rest it
on your toe. Hold the weights in your hand in front of the thighs. While
keeping your abs tucked in, back straight and shoulders back, you should
tip from hips and lower weights to the floor as much you possibly can,
depending on your flexibility. If you need to, bend knees slightly. To
return to original position, push into heels. Perform one to three sets
with a repetition of ten to sixteen each. Avoid this exercise, if you
have a back problem.
Walking - This does not demand any fancy equipment or machine.
It is an easy exercise, which not only tones your butts but other body
parts as well. Just make sure to walk regularly.
Biking - Biking is not only great for heart, but also for almost
all the muscles in butts, hips and thighs.
Isometric Contraction - It is also helpful in toning up Butt
muscles. It calls for squeezing of butt muscles, holding the position
for a minute and releasing them. By this way, the muscles are exercised
without moving them. Do it thrice.