Here are some fitness strength training basics.
Read about the benefits of strength training.
Strength Training Basics
There are several exercises that provide stamina and
flexibility to your body. One of the most effective exercises of them is
the strength training exercise, which is actually the use of the
resistance to muscular contraction in building the strength, anaerobic
endurance and size of skeletal muscles. There are several methods of
strength training; however, the most commonly practiced method is the
use of gravity or elastic/hydraulic forces to resist muscle contraction.
Effects Of Strength Training
Strength training is an important part of the entire exercise regime.
Not only does it fasten your metabolism rate to make you slim-trim but
it also increases your bone density, preventing you from ageing early
due to disease like Osteoporosis. It helps you increase your flexibility
levels, and also magically boosts up your energy levels. It also makes
your joints and muscles stronger and active, preventing them to get
stiff early.
Before You Begin Strength Training
As a part of strength training basics, you must know that it is almost
mandatory to involve in a warm-up session before hitting the gym. It is
also important to understand that one has to start off with light
exercises and then gradually move towards the tougher ones. Also, make
sure that the intensity of your practice should depend up on the
ultimate goal that you want to achieve.
Three Types Of Strength Training
Weight and Resistance Training - The basic principle of weight
or resistance training is to provide resistance to body at the
initiating joint angle, as soon as the movement begins, when the muscle
must trounce the inertia of the weight's mass. The resistance is created
through gravity, using weight stacks, plates or dumbbells or by using
elastic/hydraulic forces.
Resistance Training - It helps to develop the strength and size
of skeletal muscles. It is a kind of exercise, in which each effort is
performed against a particular opposing force generated by resistance.
The resistance may be applied against being pushed, squeezed, bent or
stretched. During the exercise if the body moves, it is said isotonic
resistance training and if the body part holds against the applied force
causing no net movement, it is isometric resistance training. Isometric
exercise acts on a particular joint or muscle, while isotonic works on
the muscle in the entire range of motion.
Integrated Training - The integrated training program is a
complete strength training program. It strives to work upon all the
vital as well as subsidiary components required for optimum result. The
integrated strength training program includes flexibility training, core
stabilization, balance training, reactive training, speed training,
resistance training, nutrition and sports supplementation.