There are some fabulous stretching exercises for
your neck muscles. Read about neck strengthening exercises.
Neck Strengthening Exercises
Neck pain is not a new thing for people who spend
most of their work hours juggling with computers and files. Even those
who are in traveling job, spend most of their time struggling with the
uneven roads on their vehicles. Any continuous position for a prolonged
phase brings such body ache problems with itself. However do not mistake
to take these back and neck problems for granted, continuous ignorance
to such conditions can lead you to chronic stage of spondylitis and make
you bed ridden.
In case you want to do some thing about this aggravating problem and are
bound in a strict schedule throughout, do not worry, read on to know
about certain handy exercises which can be performed any where any time.
These exercises will not only relieve you from your persistent pain in
neck, but also make sure that your neck muscles get strengthened and
flexible enough to bear the pressure of your long working hours in
future. Apart from this, they also relieve your stress and make you feel
rejuvenated. Here are some useful yet easy to perform neck-strengthening
For Lateral Resistance Of Neck
For improving the lateral resistance of your neck, you can perform this
easy exercise. Simply hold your one hand against the side of your head
and resist the movement of your neck as you try to touch your shoulder
with your ear. Repeat the exercise on both side and try holding each of
the positions for a minimum count of 5.
For Forward Resistance Of Neck
For improving the forward resistance of your neck, you can do this
simple exercise. Just hold both your hands against your forehead and
hold for some time. Now, push against your hands to move your head in
forward direction. Try holding each of the positions for a minimum count
of 5.
For Backward Resistance Of Neck
In case you are more worried with the persistent pain in backside of
your lower neck, this is one wonderful exercise for you. Simply place
both your hands behind your neck. Let it rest for some time. Now try to
push you head backwards without raising your chin. Try holding each of
the positions for a minimum count of 5.
For Complete Resistance Of Neck
If you are too busy to perform even the above mentioned exercises; there
is one simple 5-second-exercise as a substitute to all of them. This
exercise will help you gain complete resistance of neck if performed
regularly. Simply hold one hand against one side of your head and try to
rotate your head towards your shoulder. Try to resist this movement with
your hand and hold this posture for a count of 5.