Missionary/ Missionaries of Charity is a
charitable organization set up by Mother Teresa in the city of
Kolkata/ Calcutta, India.
Missionary of Charity

The Missionary of Charity
The Missionary of Charity is a society founded by Mother Teresa in the
city of Calcutta. In the year 1950, she received permission from the
Vatican to set up her own order, originally known as Diocesan
Congregation of the Calcutta Diocese. Thus was born the society or
charitable institution, which later came to be known as the Missionaries
of Charity. The main aim of the Mother Teresa Missionary of Charity is
to help all those people who are sick, poor, needy and have been
discarded by the society.
Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu at Skopje on August 26th
1910. By the time she attained the age of eighteen, she realized that
her mission in this life was to serve God and Jesus. She joined the
Convent of Our Lady of Loreto in Dublin. Impressed with St. Therese of
Lisieux, she adopted the name Teresa and took her vows in 1931. In 1937,
she came to Calcutta (now Kolkata) and joined St. Mary's High School. It
was there that she realized her true calling and devoted her life in
service of the sick, poor and needy people in the society.
The Mission The mission of the Missionaries of Charity, started in
Kolkata city of India, is to care for
"The hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, the
lepers, all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for
throughout society, people that have become a burden to the society and
are shunned by everyone." --- Mother Teresa
Pope Paul VI granted a Decree of Praise to Mother Teresa in the year
1965 and with it came the permission to expand the order to other
countries. From a small Order with 12 members, today it has expanded to
over 4,000 nuns running a number of charitable institutions. The
Missionaries of Charity now has branches in almost 133 countries of the
world. It has set up orphanages, AIDS hospices and charity centers
throughout the world.
Sister Concerns
- Missionaries of Charity Sisters (Active)
- Missionaries of Charity Sisters (Contemplative) - set up in 1976
- Missionaries of Charity Brothers (Active) - set up in 1963
- Missionaries of Charity Brothers (Contemplative) - set up in 1979
- Missionaries of Charity Fathers (set up in 1984)
- Lay Workers
- Volunteer Co-Workers
- Sick and Suffering Co-Workers
- Corpus Christi Movement for Priests (set up in 1981)
Training of Active and Contemplative Sisters
The training period ranges from six months to six years. After the
completion of six months training, you become an aspirant, while, at the
end of the sixth year of training, you become a Tertian. The exact
duration of the stages is
- Aspirancy - six months.
- Postulancy - one year.
- Noviciate - two years, at the end of which the first vows are
- Juniorate - five years
- Tertianship - one year, at the end of which the final vows are
How to Reach The Missionaries of Charity in
Kolkata, India
By Air
The airport of Kolkata has direct flights to all the major cities in
India. There are also direct flights to most of the South-Asian cities.
By Rail
There are two main railway stations in Kolkata, at Howrah and at
Sealdah. Both the stations are well connected with all the key cities in
the country.
By Road
An extensive network of roads link Kolkata with the other cities of the
Local Transport
Trams, buses, rickshaws, metered taxis, minibuses and Metro are
available for traveling within the city.