Indian sambar (sambhur) deer comprises of the most
commonly found deer species. Know about sambur deer of India.
Deer are dark brown in color and attain a height of 102 cm to 160 cm (40
to 63 inches). The weight of the sambar deer of India may touch 300 kg.
There are chestnut marks on the rump as well as the underparts. Sambur
deer of India also have beautiful manes. However, they are not spotted
by birth. The spots develop gradually after birth. Sambhur deer have
huge antlers, which may grow to a length of upto 100 cm (40 inches). The
antlers are rugged and have simple brow tines, along with forked beams
at the tip. These antlers are dropped by the deer on an annual basis.
Indian sambar deer typically display solitary and isolated behavior.
Most of the time, they are seen roaming alone. In case they have
company, it is that of a very small group. The senses of sambar deer are
highly developed, which helps them in detecting their predators easily.
Whenever they perceive danger, they start giving a repetitive honking
alarm call.
Natural Habitat
Sambar deer are found inhabiting mainly damp woodland environments of
the Indian subcontinent, like marshes and swamps. One can hardly find
them residing far from water, but they can be found at high elevations
also. The other natural habitat of the Sambar deer comprises of Indian
temperate forests. Apart from India, Sambhur deer is found in the slopes
of the Himalayan Mountains, Burma, Thailand, Indochina, the Malay
Peninsula, southern China, Taiwan and the islands of Sumatra and Borneo
in Indonesia.
Sambur deer of India are herbivores and survive on a diet consisting of
coarse vegetation, grass, and herbs. Their staple diet includes grass,
sprigs, fruits and bamboo buds.
Mating Behavior
The mating period of the Indian sambhur deer falls in the month of
November/December. The male deer guard their rutting territories and try
to attract the female deer through vocal and olfactory displays. The
gestation period of sambar deer is approximately 6 months and, usually,
they give birth to a single offspring only.
National Parks
Sambar deer is easily spotted in the following national parks of India: