The history of Homeopathy dates back to the 18th
century. Know more about the origin of Homeopathy.
Homeopathy History
The origin of Homeopathy dates back to the 18th
century. During the inception of homeopathy, many malpractices of
treatment were prevalent. Bloodletting was amongst the common practices
indulged in; to cure diseases. However, these measures often worsened
the condition of the sick and even caused death. As a result, these
practices were highly condemned by Hahnemann. He considered all these
methods irrational and unadvisable.
While translating a medical treatise by a Scottish physician and
chemist, Hahnemann became skeptical of his explanation of cinchona's
bark for the treatment of malaria. In order to test it, he consumed it
himself. After ingestion, he experienced fever, shivering and joint
pain, which were the early symptoms of malaria itself. With this, he
came to the conclusion that all the effective drugs produce the symptoms
of the disease they can treat, in a healthy individual. This became the
most important principle of Homeopathy.
The term Homeopathy was coined by Hanhemann in 1807, which is derived
from the Greek word "homeo", meaning like or similar and "pathos",
meaning disease or suffering. It is a natural system of healing which
employs extremely small doses of wholesome organs, tissues, metabolic
factors, recombinant materials, plants, animals and minerals to
stimulate the body's immune system. Thus, it is an established system of
medicine based on the principle of treating like with like.
Moreover, it also initiated the process of 'proving'. Proving
corresponds to the method of testing what effects various substances
have on human beings. It required careful observation of the symptoms,
the substances produced in the subject, as well as the conditions they
appeared in. Hahnemann also advocated various lifestyle improvements to
his patients, including exercise, diet, and cleanliness.